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Nic's '99 Explorer Sport

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cloth to power leather seats.

I noticed you had converted your cloth to powered leather. I have just
attempted to do the same in a 2003 explorer and cannot find how to get
power to the cable under the seat which would deliver power to the seat
motor. May be different in a 2003 but I thought I would ask. Thanks.

For me the place I bought them from, I had them just pull about 8" of the harness from the car with it, ran the ground under one of the bolts in the seat, and power was from aux power, lower cigarette lighter, I pulled it to custom install a USB port in its locations, though it's got a cigarrete lighter adapter plugged into it ziptied behind the radio, I just spliced into the power wire of it for power. Or you can run the power wire all the way to the battery.

how is the licence plate done again?

License plate lights? Those are two screws per light housing, and the whole housing just pulls out. Once it's out you just undo the socket and replace the light and put it back together.

the running boards u got look like the ones on my 01 sport mine look like that.

Yep they came off of one, I need to move front bracket up a notch to the nose, and re-
tighten that side though

License plate lights? Those are two screws per light housing, and the whole housing just pulls out. Once it's out you just undo the socket and replace the light and put it back together.

i ment to ask what bulbs did u use exactly?

u plan on doing any other stuff to it

Well as soon as I get money paid back to dad (still in high school), transmission went out, so I dropped about 850 in a new transmission, clutch, and slave cylinder. I'm planning on replacing sub,tinting windows to match rear privacy glass, projector headlights, either rearching my mono leafs or doing a 4 door swap. Then I'm not really sure

Hmm I may jump aheads of myself and plans, and get a billet grille, really like the look, and if I ###### up the current one I can get another one, I may actually get another one to do it to if I do get one, I don't just want a bolt on, I'll probably cut out the grille section

Got my under dash LED's put in this morning(all morning cause I have OCd about installing stuff in my car lol. pics to come tonight

Well it was only 5:30 when I snapped the pics, and still sunny outside, so here's a few pics of them installed, off, and of them on.

Drivers Side

Passenger Side



And they're set up to come on with the dome lights. After I do the rear seats(hopefully within the next 2 weeks) I'm planning on getting this to wire up with them.

And here's a night shot, not pitch black outside, but not light, that sorta kinda still blue sky I guess, I'll compare to see if a pitch dark makes a difference.


cool where ya get those?

Autozone, for like 21 and some change, 2 12" strips, had white, blue and red, though all my interior lighting is white, and dash panel is green

I've had an extra trim piece for the hatch, since my wrekcoff old hatch, have actually had it painted and just been waiting to put it on. here it is



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Well I had the day off so I swapped the actuator and key mechanism out of my wrecked hatch to the good one which is on the X< only way I could seem to do it was to "open" it up a little bit. Will add a brace or two when I can.

