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Nitrous 1994 Explorer

Do you still have your spare tire under the truck?? If so it ditch it on race day,hell id take the passengers seat and rear seat out also..only 4 bolts and your be surprised how much weight those 3 items will cut..
I always take my spare out but never taken my passenger seats out. Might try that next time. Yesterday was the first time with the pressure gauge. Don't have a bottle heater but need to get one. Tried reusable back warmers but running the heat in my car seemed to work better. Couldn't get it up to 950psi so there's still some horsepower potential there

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What can i do to improve my 60ft times? My 1.981 60' was my personal best. Normally I'm in the 2.2 range.

What can i do to improve my 60ft times? My 1.981 60' was my personal best. Normally I'm in the 2.2 range.
Better tires or gears or cut weight

Going out for a test and tune night tomorrow. First time back at Bandimere this season. Gonna race my Dad in his 2015 Explorer XLT to see who's faster. I think it will be a pretty close race. Took out my front passenger seat, weighs about 45 lbs and my spare which weighs 50lbs. I didn't bother taking out my rear seats because I don't think they're heavy enough to go through the pain of getting them out. Also tomorrow I'll drive my Explorer on the scale at the track to finally know what this things weighs. Should be a fun day, as always I'll post videos and timeslips.


Another fun night. Had some trouble early on with the nitrous solenoid not firing but soon figured that out. Didn't get to weigh my Explorer because apparently it is only used for Jr. dragsters and has a limit of 2200 lbs. Here's a video of me racing my Dad in his 2015 Explorer XLT. Note the numbers on the board are 60' times not reaction times.

I'll post timeslips and two more videos tomorrow.

Another video and timeslips

I'm B441. Pretty satisfied with the reaction times i was getting. Looking at the ET's makes me miss the lower altitude in Julesburg.

Hey JD, ever have trouble with your NX nitrous solenoid? This is the second time I've had a problem with the Solenoid not firing. The fuel solenoid is working but my nitrous one ain't

Hey JD, ever have trouble with your NX nitrous solenoid? This is the second time I've had a problem with the Solenoid not firing. The fuel solenoid is working but my nitrous one ain't
No i haven't. .i did have issues with grounds when i installed the kit,i had to run grounds to the battery. .maybe check them

Currently at the track and without a multimeter. Grounds looks good visually. I find it strange that the fuel is working but not the nitrous. Ran an 18.46 with spraying just fuel

Currently at the track and without a multimeter. Grounds looks good visually. I find it strange that the fuel is working but not the nitrous. Ran an 18.46 with spraying just fuel
Those are supposed to be really good solenoid too. I haven't heard of many problems with it

Interesting. I remember back when i first got the kit i went to a speed shop to fill the bottle. The guys there said customers had complained about NX's solenoids. I guess tonight i will run without it.

The air really cooled down tonight with rain. Would've been a great night run with the nitrous :banghead:

Interesting. I remember back when i first got the kit i went to a speed shop to fill the bottle. The guys there said customers had complained about NX's solenoids. I guess tonight i will run without it.

The air really cooled down tonight with rain. Would've been a great night run with the nitrous :banghead:
Theses are different than the older nx ones.. they came out with a new set of solenoids the smaller ones that in this kit and the big boys.. they changed the fuel solenoids also to be ethanol safe

Great night of racing last night. After the rain stopped I ran my best ET and MPH at Bandimere with a 16.21 @ 84 mph. Then went on to win 2 rounds of bracket racing. Here are the timeslips and some videos.

20170715_012917 (1).jpg

Nice..ever figure out what was going on with that solenoid?

Nice..ever figure out what was going on with that solenoid?
I checked all the grounds and they all looked good. One of the connectors on the WOT switch was loose. I think that might have been the problem.

New best ET in first round of qualifying. Getting closer to my goal of 15.99. Broke out first round, dialed a 16.24 and ran a 16.21


Going to the track on Wednesday. Need some way to heat the nitrous bottle at the track to get it to ideal pressure. Not going to use a torch, and I've tried hand warmers with no luck. Any suggestions?

Going to the track on Wednesday. Need some way to heat the nitrous bottle at the track to get it to ideal pressure. Not going to use a torch, and I've tried hand warmers with no luck. Any suggestions?
Hairdryer if have power..sit it in the sun also

The "heater blanket" made for the bottles are very similar to the heating pads for your back. You could use one of those on a power inverter.

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12V electric blanket would keep in warm.
