No c clips on rear cv axle shaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No c clips on rear cv axle shaft


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March 21, 2013
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06 Explorer XLT 4.6
I pulled my driver rear cv axle to replace a torn boot. After taking the axle out, I noticed there was no c clip on the differential end of it, even though there is an indentation/groove on the end of it where one would normally sit. As far as I know, my axles are original. Has anyone else here encountered the same thing? 06 v8 4x4. Thanks.

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taking the axle out, I noticed there was no c clip
The clip should/must be there, maybe it's left inside the diff.
Did you must take any force to get the cv shaft out?
The clip is number 27
rear diff.jpg

As far as I know, my axles are original.
Never was in a shop for bearings?

NOTE: A circlip retains the inboard CV joint housing to the differential side gear in the axle.

Using the special tool, disengage the inboard CV joint housing from the differential side gear.
11. Remove the halfshaft assembly.

12. CAUTION: Install and tighten the new axle wheel end nut to specification in a continuous rotation. Stopping the rotation during installation will cause the nylon lock to seat incorrectly. This will cause incorrect torque readings while tightening the axle wheel end nut and lead to bearing failure. Always install a new axle wheel end nut, after loosening or when not tightened to specifications, in a continuous rotation.

CAUTION: Always install a new differential stub shaft seal whenever the halfshaft is removed.

CAUTION: Install a new circlip every time the halfshaft is removed from the axle.

NOTE: Start one end of the circlip in the groove and work the circlip over the halfshaft and into the groove to prevent the circlip from overexpanding.

If the cvs have ever been replaced good chance they left the circlips out I have seen more then one cv axle ship with no circlip. New in box, no circlip
Must have been boxed during the COVID supply chain issues

There is no real way for the circlip to fall out inside the diff
