No reverse no manual 1st after rebuilding the transmission | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No reverse no manual 1st after rebuilding the transmission


August 16, 2011
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City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer Sport
Hope I may find some help.
1998 SOHC 5R55E.
Just had the OD Sprague let go and lost reverse and D (drive). Took it out and tore it apart. Installed new clutches and forward bands. Reverse band was good.
Did the transgo shift kit.
Now I have a very slow to move in drive. Same in manual 1st. 2nd is good.
It's is just not shifting good in drive.
Any idea what I messed up?

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Make sure you followed every step of that shift kit, if you missed the step of drilling the hole in the valve body casting itself it will act like that. I think its step A on page 2 of the 44-55E kit.

I did it all...
I even Put in a drain plug so not to make a mess
Side note...
It came with 2 drilled bits. I broke the smaller one doing the still through the wall. Then used the bigger one for the floor.
Was they NOT 1/16?

Do you have reverse after rebuild or not?

The shift kit has a sleeve with a check ball and spring if the ball and spring is in backwards it will loose reverse.

I took out the valve body today. Gonna look it over one more time.
Man that drain plug is awesome.
If I don't have my hands all messy I will post a few pictures.
I have a few questions.
1. It only had 3 check balls. I added a 4th.
It had no spring in the valve that has the new springs added.
I will be checking the size of the holes I drilled to be sure that they are 1/16.

Hopfully the missing check ball is your culprit. They added a spring on the forward modulator valve where there was no spring, this is normal.

I added the 4th ball when I put it all back together.
I thought I did not close the holes with the steel balls enough... But it is at .046.

Following this thread.

jorgescar69: what rebuild kit did you go with? I'm about to do the same with my Ex.
Was there a reason you went with the TransGo Shift Kit rather than Superior?

Also, let us know what the outcome is.

So I went over everything and this is what's up.
I checked the size of the holes... the wall hole was not 1/16.
i cant figure out how to post pictures.
I have gone over everything and checked it again.

i did or am working with the TransGo

So I paid the $20 extortion...
.046 drilled bit fits. 1/16 bit for the holes on the valve body.

Yes they plugs are in.
The check balls and spring are correct.

Looks like I got it all.
hole is 1/16

Going nuts...
Gotta it back together...
Reverse... won't spin the wheels up on jackstands. Manual 1st... moves then locks up.
Manual 2nd.... good
Looks like I need to yank it out again.
Something is just not correct inside.

May have the sprag in backwards, did you check what direction it rotated?

5r55e sprag rotation.JPG

Oh I just saw this!

This will cause your no reverse, and manual low problem for sure!

Need to get the end plug clipped into the bracket.

5r55e Valve body clip.JPG

5r55e valve body clip 2.JPG

5r55e valve body clip 3.JPG

Good eye on that plug retainer I did the same thing after removing the solenoid retainer to replace the rings on my rebuild

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I was sitting on the ****ter last night and going over the pics I took then looked at another post on this site.
Well then I once more drained the transmission fluid and took it off. Gonna reset the PCM and then wash it.
