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Not another V8 swap thread (N2Ford)

which harness goes to the ignition halo? You should remove the steering column covers and have a look see
Ill get my 02 trac book out

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which harness goes to the ignition halo? You should remove the steering column covers and have a look see
Ill get my 02 trac book out

Found them. Stupid Ford engineers. Why they can't have the halo wires the same as those it connects up to.

My halo is the green, red, white, blue and is then plugged in to a receptacle which has the black/white, white/green, red/green, and the grey/orange

Tomorrow time to hook it up.


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WELL DONE!! seems the colors going to the halo changes every friggin year.

Got part of the PATS migrated in. Before I went further I had to fix the shifter plastic piece under the steering column and wanted to get the tach wire and theft wire sorted out.
Black connector. Left to right with metal part facing me.
Red/Light Green

Small White Connector


Big White Connector

Dark Green/White

I also ordered the EVTM for the 02 Sport Trac

So which wire is the V-6 that needs to be re-pinned for the V-8 tach to work?


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Just like most 95-05 5.0 swaps gotta move the tachometer ground wire from the 4.0 pos to the 5.0 pos so the tach will read the v8 properly

black w yellow moves from one plug to the other

You don't have the 2001 Sport trac wiring book??

The last one I bought was $15 on ebay


Just like most 95-05 5.0 swaps gotta move the tachometer ground wire from the 4.0 pos to the 5.0 pos so the tach will read the v8 properly
View attachment 322221
black w yellow moves from one plug to the other
View attachment 322220

You don't have the 2001 Sport trac wiring book??

The last one I bought was $15 on ebay

View attachment 322219
What you are showing there I don't have. I have a blank spot followed by a brown/yellow. Sounds like that brown/yellow is moved to the blank spot?

Thanks for all your help. I can't wait to get the EVTM manual. I'm sure I screwed up something electronic. Hope I don't melt my computer or wiring harness. :)

Just like most 95-05 5.0 swaps gotta move the tachometer ground wire from the 4.0 pos to the 5.0 pos so the tach will read the v8 properly
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black w yellow moves from one plug to the other
View attachment 322220

You don't have the 2001 Sport trac wiring book??

The last one I bought was $15 on ebay

View attachment 322219
Got it. It moves from one plug altogether to another plug. Small white to bigger white and from pin 3 to pin 1.

I have a crappy Haynes manual for the Explorer/Explorer Sport Trac I think 95 - 01. That and reading alot online. I want to get all the electronics and stuff buttoned up before it starts getting really cold. Not all of us have a nice shop with space and heat like some people around here. :)

And today (since it's Saturday) I am taking a trip to Southern Minnesota to trade my 06 Nissan Altima for a 2000 Mountaineer V8. :)

bye bye Nissan
I don't want to hear it!!

I built my BII borrowing other peoples driveways, scratch and clawed working a cad operator job for years so I could afford my first condo which I flipped and bought my first house which finally had a small garage. Before that is was buddy's driveway for this, friends garage for that.......I know the drill
You still should get a $15 book so all this wiring is diagramed out!! Anyone doing a v8 conversion without the book is relying heavily on other peoples info :) LMFAO
Whatever it takes!!

bye bye Nissan
I don't want to hear it!!

I built my BII borrowing other peoples driveways, scratch and clawed working a cad operator job for years so I could afford my first condo which I flipped and bought my first house which finally had a small garage. Before that is was buddy's driveway for this, friends garage for that.......I know the drill
You still should get a $15 book so all this wiring is diagramed out!! Anyone doing a v8 conversion without the book is relying heavily on other peoples info :) LMFAO
Whatever it takes!!
Never meant no harm. You have a nice shop and I'm jealous. Hopefully someday mine will be as nice. As it is my pad has cracked so mice get in. Currently I've exterminated 11 mice. I declared war on the pests when they started eating wires in my 88 T-Bird Turbo Coupe and know I have to put in a new wiring harness or figure out where the pests have them shorting out.

I would love to tear up my driveway and garage, put in a new pad (with the new plastic lines) in the pad for heating during the winter. Have the wood stove in the shop heat from free wooden pallets and coil lines through that to cycle through the lines for the heat. But that's a good year or two away. Need to fix the ST first, then the Turbocoupe, then the ST with the recently traded Mountaineer.

I'm going to experiment a little with that one. It's got a pretty cool information console (mpg, down on the center console that I would love to pull into the Sport Trac. Funny that the Mountaineer actually made it 200 miles from where I got it. Both front bearings were shot and the rear axle has something wrong with it as well. But got it home. 17.3 MPG with it on the way home but I babied it.

Never meant no harm. You have a nice shop and I'm jealous. Hopefully someday mine will be as nice. As it is my pad has cracked so mice get in. Currently I've exterminated 11 mice. I declared war on the pests when they started eating wires in my 88 T-Bird Turbo Coupe and know I have to put in a new wiring harness or figure out where the pests have them shorting out.

I would love to tear up my driveway and garage, put in a new pad (with the new plastic lines) in the pad for heating during the winter. Have the wood stove in the shop heat from free wooden pallets and coil lines through that to cycle through the lines for the heat. But that's a good year or two away. Need to fix the ST first, then the Turbocoupe, then the ST with the recently traded Mountaineer.

I'm going to experiment a little with that one. It's got a pretty cool information console (mpg, down on the center console that I would love to pull into the Sport Trac. Funny that the Mountaineer actually made it 200 miles from where I got it. Both front bearings were shot and the rear axle has something wrong with it as well. But got it home. 17.3 MPG with it on the way home but I babied it.

I have a good friend with some Turbo Coupe parts, we parted out two about 20 years ago, we saved almost everything. He'd probably sell some things from them.

no harm my man this is all light hearted chit chat! I am very thick skinned........

I have a design for a mouse trap that can catch 11 in one night,....we live in the forest near a river and our nearest neighbor is we are inundated with mice all the time. Funny this video he catches 11, that is the max I have caught with this type of trap also
Pretty much daily we catch mice with this thing set up around the perimeter of the house
The hardest part is keeping the chickens or dogs from eating the peanut butter......

I have 3 cats in the shop :) They keep the trucks in the shop mouse free

I have a few of these traps around, they work amazing. I use peanut butter and a water bottle instead of pipe....but now Im liking the pipe idea better.

I have a 98 ranger RWD 4 banger we want to build soon, I am thinking 2.3L Turbo SVO drivetrain I have ALWAYS wanted to build a 2.3T ranger

Everything is hooked up. I topped off all my fluids hooked up the battery. Scared the bejezus out of me since at some point in time the windshield wipers were left on and I wasn't expecting that. I still left most of my dash apart but did put in the instrument panel. Theft light is consant on. I incorporated the older pats into the newer pats as directed with one exception. I have the Dark Blue/Orange DB/OG wire and I can't figure out what it should be connected to.

I don't think I ground it and what it appears I need to do is run this to the PCB and connect it to the Start relay db/og wire there?

It is the ground FEED for the starter relay, the starter will not run until you give the BD/OG wire a ground....and since your PATS module has this wire you need to run it to the starter relay.

It is the ground FEED for the starter relay, the starter will not run until you give the BD/OG wire a ground....and since your PATS module has this wire you need to run it to the starter relay.
Did this but still the same so I have to go through all the connections again.

About the only difference that I can see is I hooked up the hot and Acc differently.

I found a ignition switch wiring for a 2002 F-150 and I figured it should be same.

Wired the Green/Violet to the WH/YE for the pats and the Acc was black/lt green.

But I also forgot that I pinned out 28 on the computer side to be grounded. I don't need that any longer so I will remove it tomorrow.

still not working. Dammit.

But my book came in the mail today.

Looks like yellow is continuous power so YE/Wh

But which one is the ACC? This is the part that has me flumoxed. I can't figure it out (also why I hate schematics)

I'm thinking that the Brown is the acc since that matches #2 with yellow and brown.


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Forget the colors
One goes to a constant battery 12V and the other goes to ACC power that comes on with key in ON or Start.....
Use your multimeter to check

Also instead if using the pats module DB/OG as the ground for the starter relay try just running a ground to the relay (for testing)
SO the darkblue with orange wire from the back of the relay take it straight to ground

Forget the colors
One goes to a constant battery 12V and the other goes to ACC power that comes on with key in ON or Start.....
Use your multimeter to check

Also instead if using the pats module DB/OG as the ground for the starter relay try just running a ground to the relay (for testing)
SO the darkblue with orange wire from the back of the relay take it straight to ground

Augh. I had been testing with my multifunction and was getting annoyed since I was getting no amp/voltage or any reading then I recalled doing some testing on some other device last year and had to swap the cables for reading (I believe) a voltage draw during the winter months so once I put the cables in the correct spots I was able to get 12v constant and 12v acc. figured out, grounded the starter relay.

No good. I no longer have the theft light on continuously nor is it flashing like I think it would and when I turn on the ignition I don't hear the fuel pump turn on but the truck doesn't turn over either.

I've read someowhere to ground the starter but isn't that automatic?

Not sure where to go from here. It should be doing something (fuel pump or turn over) but it's not.

Do I need my dash all back together and connected?

And something new today. I left the battery charger on it overnight and this afternoon when to work on it and battery was totally dead.

So time to move it to its permanent spot for the winter. Bunch of bounce fabric sheets all over the engine area and cab to dissuade the stupid mice from making a home and wait for spring to start digging into it again.

before you put her away for winter I have two questions
did you hookup the main battery ground to the front of the engine? (down by the timing cover)
Did you try grounding the dark blue with orange wire from the back of the PJB relay direct to ground?

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before you put her away for winter I have two questions
did you hookup the main battery ground to the front of the engine? (down by the timing cover)
Did you try grounding the dark blue with orange wire from the back of the PJB relay direct to ground?

Battery ground is down by the timing chain cover. And also grounded the db/og wire from the back of the PJB relay.

Not sure why the sudden massive draw of power. Also noticed that the theft light doesn't flash like my normal one does on the 01 I have.

I doubt we'll get any more days over 50 for the rest of the year but if we do I may take that day off and work on the truck.
