Not sure how this works, but need help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Not sure how this works, but need help

steve b

New Member
March 7, 2005
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'95 XLT
Our "95 XLT just won't start Sometimes!
It's not the battery, it's been tested.
It's not the posts they've been cleaned.
It's very random and unpredictable.
We turn the key and Nothing. Not a sound. The electrical is working, lights, radio, doors, windows. etc but it will not start. Anyone else have this problem. The auto shops can't help us unless it is happening when they have it. and can't get it to them when it does happen.

steve b said:
Our "95 XLT just won't start Sometimes!
It's not the battery, it's been tested.
It's not the posts they've been cleaned.
It's very random and unpredictable.
We turn the key and Nothing. Not a sound. The electrical is working, lights, radio, doors, windows. etc but it will not start. Anyone else have this problem. The auto shops can't help us unless it is happening when they have it. and can't get it to them when it does happen.

Are you getting fuel? Turn to key to On, and see if you can hear the fuel pump priming? If you can, then let it sit for a second before you crank it.. More than likely your fuel system is not working as well as it used too. If you can't hear the noise, then its the fuel pump or relay that is bad.

steve b said:
We turn the key and Nothing. Not a sound.

Not a sound eh? Well that means the starter isnt doing its thing cauz you should at least hear the sarter clicking away.

My dad's Dodge Ram did this. It was the aftermarket alarm that was causing it not to start. It had the same symptoms as you described. Worth a check.
