November 2013 TOTM - "Favorite picture of your truck" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 2013 TOTM - "Favorite picture of your truck"

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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
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City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
November is the month of Thanksgiving. Our vehicles have brought us all online to EF. Why not show your favorite picture of your truck and give us a image of why you are thankful.

Contest Name: "Favorite picture of your truck"

You will have until November 22nd to post your picture.

Please Remember:
Announcement will be made describing the TOTM theme. Members will then have a 4 week period of time to post their submission. (For example: On 08/01 a thread will be started for the nominations. On 09/01 you will have 5 days to vote on the previous submissions (date will vary depending on when the 1st is). This way each winning member will receive a month to be the TOTM.)

One picture per member.

Anyone is welcome to submit a picture (Admins, Mods, & Members).

You may change your pictures if you like. Just do it before the time is up.

All entries must be of a Ford Explorer, Sport Trac, Mercury Mountaineer, Mazda Navajo, Ect. Go by the what the forum is for guys. Please don’t post pictures of your non-RBV's as your submission. There will be special times for you to do that.

You may submit any picture of anyones rig that is on this forum. (UPDATED 05/08/2012) Hope this helps you out.

Also do not Photoshop your rig to make it better but you can blank the license plate if you wish.

There will be a thread for submissions in which three pictures will be chosen at random. Then these three pictures will be put into a "Final Voting Thread" in which the entire forum will be able to choose this months winner. This random voting will be done by giving each picture a number that I will know only. Then I will "PM" a random member here and have them choose three numbers from the list that will be given to them. The numbers will not be linked to their post number.


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Taken this year in Ouray. I like this one because of hitting the water, the folks with the broke down Land Rover sitting on the rock watching an Explorer showing how it's done, and I was able to trail with one of my bro's there.


give us a image of why you are thankful

What can I say about being thankful for being in the EF? The friends made, trailing with EF'ers at Ouray, Moab, Las Cruses, and more to be added. And of course, finding that there are folks that are crazier than me.

I gotta say this is my favorite pic of my Monsterneer so far:


I am thankful for the incredible deal I was able to get on her. This pic was taken on my drive home from Colorado when I bought it last year.

Thanks EF for being here. Having a group like this for researching, ideas, help/advice and ideas all specifically geared towaeds these specific rigs is an increadable asset.

The whole reason we bought a third gen. Well, 2/3 of them anyways.


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One of my favorite pics of my 3rd gen!


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It was a toss up between the first time I drove it and the one below. This one has won. :thumbsup:


I am thankful for everything that I've learned on here to bring this junkyard bound truck back to life.

I like this pic, but I've already won this year so don't consider it a submission; )

This is my favourite picture of mine for now



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My favorite pic of mine.


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I'm thankful for all the places mine has allowed me to see in this beautiful state that I wouldn't have been able to without it. This picture was taken on the way to one such place- Champion Mill. Read more about and see more pictures from the trip HERE

My favorite of "dusty". The explorer that started it for me. It is now a parts rig as you can see... The reason I picked this picture is because my daughter made it out with only a small seatbelt scratch. The back story: Out geocaching and the daughter got cold. I had one more cache to find in the area, so told her to stay in the vehicle while I grab it. Left dusty running, got about five feet in front of it and heard the most haunting sound... Tires rolling! (E brake failure) I tried to stop it but couldn't, ended up getting my legs run over in the whole ordeal. It rolled down a 60 foot hillside. My only rollover, and I wasn't even behind the wheel.My daughter has since recovered mentally, and enjoys getting out in the woods. There's more fine details to the story, but I don't want to ramble too much. It was a year ago November 10th.



this is one of my favorite pictures that i have of Shela

Great pictures and the stories are even better. Keep them coming!

Not sure if this even counts since I don't own it anymore.

Very tough decision choosing only one, but I think this is it. I'm thankful this truck continues giving joy to those who own(ed) it. First [MENTION=116874]sparksafly'n[/MENTION] - R.I.P. and now [MENTION=50756]Twiztid[/MENTION]


Thanks FROADER, I'll try to make Mark proud. Time to de-badge the ranger and make her the Twiztid now, as the front ford badge is painted green with TWIZTID on it :D


Not as exciting as you guys, but this is my favorite of my Ex. Taken at my buddy's house in Sandwich on Cape Cod.


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