Obd 1? A code reader that supports 95????? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Obd 1? A code reader that supports 95?????


December 13, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer 4x4
I bought this Equus3145 and get home it says not compatible with 95 explorers so now i need to know what Code reader is that is cheap I am looking at a Actron cp9015 but dont wanna buy it and it not be compatible has anyone used this ?

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I usually use this one. Its really cheap, but it works on all obd-I fords and chevys....


If you want to do something that requires more than a paperclip you wont be getting it cheap. I spent over $3k for my scanner, and it was on sale. You can get a scanner with datastream and bidirectional controls cheaper but the obd1 coverage gets very limited on the lower priced units

Did it and worked check post above this one for codes I pulled trying figure it out

look below this post like 5 threads and I need help figuring out the one code 542 check my last post

Well my explorer is cranking not starting need to know how to check this problem in order. I have checked the inertia switch was down hit it with screw driver it pops up so I push back down. The relay box clicks when I turn key on and I don't hear the fuel pump. So What is not grounded or is the fuel pump bad.

Did you test for power in and out of the inertia switch?

Rotated the Relays still no noise from pump and On ebay they have Fuel Pump Assembly and Fuel Pump kits One is noticeably cheaper than the other does it matter which you buy I mean I don't wanna spend 150 when I can put it all together for 30 to 50. I am almost certain the fuel pump probaly went bad because it has had trouble starting for past 2 3 months then one day nothing at all. Is there a way you can test the pump without any special tools?
