Off road bumpers 03 Ford Explorer Sport Trac XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Off road bumpers 03 Ford Explorer Sport Trac XLT


May 1, 2013
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04 Mercury Mountaineer Pr
Looking to buy a set of off road bumpers for my 03 Explorer Sport Trac XLT 4x4 4DR 4.0 want to finally get in it and do some off-roading in it just spent a year and a half getting it ready want it to daily drive and be a capable off roader just did all the brake system that includes master all 4 calipers pads rotors all to shut off the brake lite on dash to shut off replaced the clock spring to get the horn and cruze control working as well as get the airbag lite to turn off replaced the thermostat housing with the new all metal housing new radiator hoses as well as the bypass hose on the water pump to thermostat housing new complete tune-up from the coil pack to new wires to new plugs and not the 200 cheap plugs 12.00 each plugs air filter fuel filters to the pcv then to the inside to replace the power door lock switch on drivers door as well as the power mirror switch new headlight switch as well as the dimmer switch 4 new 6x8 kenwood speakers in the doors still looking for the sub box and factory amp set up that goes on the left side of the truck in the little cabinet behind the rear seat where the jack and the amp sub set up goes !!! NOW ITS JUST TO FIND OUT WHETE I CAN BUY NEW OR USED SET OF OFF ROAD BUMPER DONT MIND USED AS LONG AS YOU HAVE ALL THE ORIGINAL MOUNTING HARDWARE FOR THEM AND THEY ARE IN VERY GOOD SHAPE OR THE NAME OF A COMPANY THAT SELLS THEM !!!!!
Darwin Finch

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Jamie @410Fortune maybe you can post the pics of yours that you recently posted in another thread.

Jamie @410Fortune maybe you can post the pics of yours that you recently posted in another thread.
What are you talking about I’m looking for off road bumpers to buy d
Jamie @410Fortune maybe you can post the pics of yours that you recently posted in another thread.
what are you talking about I have posted before on here but it seems like I’ve offended you some how I’m looking to finish my SPORT TRAC so I can start to enjoy it like I said did a lot of work on it took me 1 1/2 years so far to get to this point of looking for the off road bumpers for it !!!
I don’t know what I did to you but I’ll apologize for it what ever it is !!!! Please let me know what or how I offended you

What are you talking about I’m looking for off road bumpers to buy d

what are you talking about I have posted before on here but it seems like I’ve offended you some how I’m looking to finish my SPORT TRAC so I can start to enjoy it like I said did a lot of work on it took me 1 1/2 years so far to get to this point of looking for the off road bumpers for it !!!
I don’t know what I did to you but I’ll apologize for it what ever it is !!!! Please let me know what or how I offended you
What are you talking about I’m looking for off road bumpers to buy d

what are you talking about I have posted before on here but it seems like I’ve offended you some how I’m looking to finish my SPORT TRAC so I can start to enjoy it like I said did a lot of work on it took me 1 1/2 years so far to get to this point of looking for the off road bumpers for it !!!
I don’t know what I did to you but I’ll apologize for it what ever it is !!!! Please let me know what or how I offended you
I have never posted any pics anywhere of my Sport Trac you have me mixed up with someone else !!

Dude calm down, I’m asking another member to post a pic of his bumper to show you.

I recently installed a off road bumper onto a 2002 Sport trac and posted pics of it
Bill was simply getting me in here to help you

Did you try a search?


Thanks @RangerX maybe this info will help

New to forums, huh? haha

A new option that has come up in the last month is a front and rear bumper offering by a company called Move Bumpers. Check them out to see if they fit your needs.

nice move is now making sport trac bumper? I gotta check that out for sure

nice move is now making sport trac bumper? I gotta check that out for sure

Yup one of the guys on the ST Facebook works for them and they have decided to produce them for our trucks. I can’t remember when he said they’d be available on the website, but it isn’t a long time from now
