Official Colorado Colors Run 09 - Ouray: Sept 4-7th, 2009 | Page 25 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Official Colorado Colors Run 09 - Ouray: Sept 4-7th, 2009

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...Any updates???...:scratch:

..When we last heard, we had Jim broke down in Gunnison and we haven't heard a word from the people who went on Black Bear Rd...I know there has to be some pucker stories to tell..:D...:popcorn:

Yeah the suspense is killing us!
I am a very bad armchair crawler! lol

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The group is on the Alpine loop today. 9 Hr ride.

Joker got his T-case swapped out in time for today's run.

Nsj got his rig running and made it to camp and is out with the rest.

Bronco2guy, & Cad headed back home this morning.

I am resting it up after a long 8 days on the road.

Only minor carnage to report as of yet.
Bronco2guy had a starter issue, kept wanting to turn the starter over while driving and with key off....fixed MO style.
Chad had a shift motor go bad....removed and replaced with custom turning device..(vice grips)
Turdle had a coil over adjustment and some trimming on the fender wells...have knife will travel :)
My trans got hot and needed to rest a couple of times..reset module
I Bent the frame were tow hooks are attached. Had to trim pass side wheel liner a tad.
88comingup had a cracked wheel, and is loosing fluids from somewhere?
All pretty minor stuff so far.

We are loving every minute of being out here. Seen some big elk and lots of deer in the campsite. Got slowed by a few thousand sheep on the trail.

Black bear went off with out a hitch. Lots of traffic on it, and some morons breaking their cars trying to run it. Seen a Acura bust open its oil pan and bleed out.... HAHA!

We have tons of pics and video to share in a new thread later this week...Stay Tuned!!

The group is on the Alpine loop today. 9 Hr ride.

Joker got his T-case swapped out in time for today's run.

Nsj got his rig running and made it to camp and is out with the rest.

Bronco2guy, & Chad headed back home this morning.

I am resting it up after a long 8 days on the road.

Only minor carnage to report as of yet.
Bronco2guy had a starter issue, kept wanting to turn the starter over while driving and with key off....fixed MO style.:biggthump
Chad had a shift motor go bad....removed and replaced with custom turning device..(vice grips)
Turdle had a coil over adjustment and some trimming on the fender wells...have knife will travel :)
My trans got hot and needed to rest a couple of times..reset module
I Bent the frame were tow hooks are attached. Had to trim pass side wheel liner a tad.
88comingup had a cracked wheel, and is loosing fluids from somewhere:dunno:?
All pretty minor stuff so far.

We are loving every minute of being out here. Seen some big elk and lots of deer in the campsite. Got slowed by a few thousand sheep on the trail.

Black bear went off with out a hitch. Lots of traffic on it, and some morons breaking their cars trying to run it. Seen a :bsnicker: Acura bust open its oil pan and bleed out!

We have tons of pics and video to share in a new thread later this week...Stay Tuned!!:burnout:

Im back at the hotel, I wasnt feeling so good after lunch so I skipped the goup dinner tonight. Long day on the Alpine Loop today, no carnage its just a long trail.

I am working on my pictures and will make a new return thread tonight since the run is just about over. No trails planned for tomorrow, everyone is headding home.

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