Photos - *Official* Return from CCR08 - Ouray Colorado Pics and Trip Reports | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Photos *Official* Return from CCR08 - Ouray Colorado Pics and Trip Reports

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Oh Yeah! the berries were good too!!


Ungodly flex in Garden of the gods--


There are more pics of manitou also in my album-I just now got them up

One thing in manitou which was very interesting was Cheyenne spring-
an ancient soda water spring-and yes you could have a glass of scotch, walk up to the fountain and have a good ****tail-it tastes like club soda-right out of the tap thingy they have rigged up. The sign says the water is 20,000 years old-
Cool huh?

we stopped in my old stomping ground--Garden City Kansas-
home of the worlds largest swimming pool



This is the town I learned to drive in. It has significance in my life. ;)

you are from garden city? a lady i work with is from there, too. and one of our radiologists at the hospital.

you are from garden city? a lady i work with is from there, too. and one of our radiologists at the hospital.

I lived there from 1969-78. :D umm, that kinda dates me a bit-:D

looks like u guys had a fun time next time u guys do it keep me informed i see if i can come and hang out with u guys.

jon u should come to cali and bring ur son along too we all should meet up me and u and ur son and whoever else wants to join us.

like go to lake tahoe or something and go camping and bring our explorers and mountys and whoever else wants to join.

I was born 4 years after you moved away from there... if that dates you even more ;)

First you make me feel young-then , just when it kicks in you pull out the rug--:p:
See how you are?:D

Its not fair, I used to live in Colorado for 21 years, I move to Maryland, Then you show me what Im missing. NOT FAIR!

Foo on you.

Jon, I was only born a year after burns...not sure Im helping here but hey! thats what we are all make you feel even worse when you are feeling down...:p: jk

hey, lighten up on the poor guy. He's a cool grandpa.

...Jon, I never did get to see the pics of Harley out the sunroof...:popcorn:

...But I will post a couple more pics I found while we wait...:D








Is it required to have a road legal (registered/insured) vehicle to run these trails?

Is it required to have a road legal (registered/insured) vehicle to run these trails?

you are lucky, because no--
you do need to trailer it on the highway though-between trails--or maybe tow behind another?

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Gotcha -- thanks JT
