Photos - *Official* Return from CCR08 - Ouray Colorado Pics and Trip Reports | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Photos *Official* Return from CCR08 - Ouray Colorado Pics and Trip Reports

How did you keep your tires from going off? I still can't figure it out.

If you want to talk about narrow, ask Marshall about running Iron Chest with the fullsize axles! :eek:

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So a lil more than 3 yrs later who should walk into our shop? Hokie the Cummins guy

So a lil more than 3 yrs later who should walk into our shop? Hokie the Cummins guy

Well, according to facebook he likes to acquire bruises and whisky everywhere he goes, so----just sayin.:D

Say hi for us!!

..:scratch:..rumor had it hokie got rid of his subie and got a heep..:dunno:

..I think facebook has replaced the Forum for most people but glad someone still updates here on the Forum..:biggthump

I figured out who he was 2day but he was gone out in the field b4 I could catch him and then I left before they got back
