Offroad front bumper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Offroad front bumper


New Member
November 12, 2024
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City, State
Schuyler, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 ford explorer sport
Hey all, I currently run an 01 Explorer Sport and I am looking for an offroad bumper I figured I'd post here as the Sport and Sport trac share the same front clip. I'm not sure if one from a Ranger or standard 4door Explorer would work the same with the obvious trimming to the bumper cover of course. Any help or direction would be appreciated.

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Wow not even the brackets? They end up bolting straight to the frame then.

Member RockRanger makes a killer bumper kit, look for it in the GEN2 section.

I have installed a rock ranger style bumper on a sport trac
I had to modify the brackets
A ranger bumper when installed on a sport trac requires the mounting holes on the truck side to move up exactly 2”
You can drill the lower hole but the upper
Hole must be added. I simply welded a piece of angle iron on top of the frame horns and drilled the holes into that

The plastic nose / bumper of the 01-05 sport trac and sport will have to be trimmed for the new metal bits
Basically you keep the grill all else
Goes bye bye

A multi tool makes short work of slicing through plastics

Worked out awesome
RockRanger bumpers are *****in and affordable! Plus he is a great dude






Nice sport trac. I do miss mine, that bumper is sweet

+1 for Matt's bumpers!!! Cant say enough good things about it! It continues to hold up to... yardwork... recoveries, being a rock slider, everything!

Move bumpers are super $$$$ for what you get imo

Ranger front bumper on eBay is under $400

Rockranger bumper very good option if you can weld and save some $$$

Theres also that one I think its affordable offroad or something like that looks alot like Matts one but I like Matt's better since I can say hi to him hahaha

Here it is. Got their skid, it is very well built but the problem is that the bracket originally looked like it was supposed to go to the place that valance goes (plastic udner radiator), but the one I got ended up goign to the body mount. And I couldnt get the body mount out. So 2 years later and its still sitting in the shed until I figure it out.
