Oil filter Adapter O -rings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil filter Adapter O -rings


January 12, 2014
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City, State
Charlotte ,NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer sport
Anyone know where to find the o rings for the oil filter adapter to block and the bolt head . Its a 2000 Mounty 5.0 2wd .

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Have you tried having an auto store match them up out of a kit?

Ive tried autozone and advance but these look more like little cogged drive belts than a O ring and the groove is to deep for a standard o ring

Link to what worked for my '97 Mountaineer 5.0 L

Link to what worked for my '97 Mountaineer 5.0 L
I have 97 5.0 AWD Explorer with original oil cooler. I need the Orings and already tried an oring company out of state. Put big and little Orings on ...still leaks. I don't think they were quite right. The first half of cooler in aluminum housing has a big oring but has a flat lip on the inner circle of that oring that you tuck behind metal tabs. It looked good and I didn't have one like that anyways. All the internet searches nobody has mentioned this oring and that would make 3 Orings not 2 like every site says. When I took off the 2nd half that has one bolt to the block the one on bolt head was really worn and flattened and the big one was worn and seemed it may have been a squared Oring. I had already ordered big and little and the bags of at least 10 each were rounded Orings no flat or squared ones.The grooves are square on oil cooler. Now I've got to fight this 2 piece cooler back off and then back on again. After I find Orings.

The problem is they aren’t just an o ring. It’s a seal that isn’t available anymore. It didn’t work well, as you can see.

Why not just get rid of it entirely, and have one less point of failure?

This is what I used for my '97 Mountaineer:

'O' Ring, Oil Cooler to Block: -146 V75 (Viton), AS568A-146
'O' Ring, Oil Cooler Bolt: -021 V75 (Viton), AS568A-21

I bought mine from:

Mine only used 2 'O' Rings. They were definitely round cross sectioned 'O' Rings. Installed over a year ago with no issues.

This cooler is really a pain to get on I agree. I remember the 90° coolant hose being really troublesome.

This is what I used for my '97 Mountaineer:

'O' Ring, Oil Cooler to Block: -146 V75 (Viton), AS568A-146
'O' Ring, Oil Cooler Bolt: -021 V75 (Viton), AS568A-21

I bought mine from:

Mine only used 2 'O' Rings. They were definitely round cross sectioned 'O' Rings. Installed over a year ago with no issues. 9

This cooler is really a pain to get on I agree. I remember the 90° coolant hose being really troublesome.

I ordered the 2 Orings SS568A-146 & 21 Vitons same as a Mountaineer 97 5.0 for my explorer this will be my 3rd attempt to fixoil leak. I take off housing that oil filter screws on and undo 1 radiator hose attached to it. I reach a bit higher and other end of that hose so I can wiggle off housing with one hose still on it and other hose on other side is completely off. Easier to put back. Then I do the 3/4" bolt that holds to the block. I've cleaned parts and emory clothed smooth on block and only thing was that quarter sized o ring looked bad both times. I think this is the source of oil leak. I put a plumbers grease sas bolt head is tightened it should stay put. The only thing my 3rd attempt will have that ididnt the first 2 times is I'm borrowing a torque wrench and torque the 3/4" bolt head to I believe 39ft/lbs. but have seen the # 54 ft/lbs too. Have to triple check ft/lbs now. I may not have tightened enough on my first attempt and by looks of oring on 2nd attempt, may have been too tight.

Just a heads up for any one that finds themselves in a bind because they took the assembly apart only to find what a nightmare it is in locating them but has to have it back up and running the next day. (Like me)

I went down to my local ace hardware and grabbed the closest ones, went back and successfully installed them, and they worked great for few weeks it took me to order in the proper ones. I don't remember exactly which ones I used unfortunately.

Says it’s for the 4.0

One of these days I’m gonna pull the adapter and determine the proper rings for it. There is so much different and conflicting info floating around
