OK, now I have stroke, but how do I balance it? Harmonic balancer issues | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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OK, now I have stroke, but how do I balance it? Harmonic balancer issues

This is going to be a big stumbling block for a few people

The stock balance for a 5.0 explorer engine is 50z in

A stroker engine will require a 28 oz in balance--

so a flexplate and harmonic balancer switch is needed.
The flexplates are out there, but the explorer Harmonic balancer-pulley-dis trigger is all one unique unit for explorers--
When I purchased my stroker kit from Coast High-they found me one I assure you. However, even with my receipt ( no part number) they have no idea what I am referring to--

My thoughts--can material be removed from the stock balancer ( by machine shop of course) to work with the new balance weight?
Also-for thought--the 96-98 mustang pulley looks awful close---

I might add, my balancer did come with SFI certification--this is another consideration--


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The 8.8 rear is very strong, that's the strongest link.

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Not in ranger form it isnt. 28 spline axles arent the best. The 31 spine you explorer guys have is maybe better. I figure a stout 306, a solid 4r70w, 4406 t case will do me right. That 8.8 will be the weak side.

This my first small truck build, I am normally wrenching on F350s with powerstrokes. So I am not to familiar with the abuse small stuff takes

Not in ranger form it isnt. 28 spline axles arent the best. The 31 spine you explorer guys have is maybe better. I figure a stout 306, a solid 4r70w, 4406 t case will do me right. That 8.8 will be the weak side.

This my first small truck build, I am normally wrenching on F350s with powerstrokes. So I am not to familiar with the abuse small stuff takes

I forgot that you have the Ranger and 28 spline axles. Just upgrade to the 31 spline parts, and it will survive a bunch.:salute:

So will a 9 inch lol

I really should just put my time/money/energy back into my other trucks that can handle the power lol
