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Open Differential swap


Well-Known Member
January 10, 2001
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City, State
Farmington, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport
I was researching my rear differential before changing out the gear oil. I Found my axle code, 41, it is a 3.27 conventional differential. I really experienced the downside of this set up yesterday. I was coming up a hill on a street that was very narrow and a pick up truck with a plow was coming down the hill towards me. I moved over as far as I could putting my passenger tires in the snow on the side of the road, then I just about stopped to let him by. As I started to move again, the passenger tires spun, and I was surprised about how much effort it took to get going again. How much would it cost to swap this for a Limited slip differential? Would I be better off installing a locker on the rear diff? Is this possible with control trac AWD? Thanks in advance.

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You can put any locker or LS in the rear and not interfere with your auto 4x4 (it's not AWD).

If you do mostly road driving, I'd recommend a good limited slip. I'm running an Eaton limited slip and like it very much.

How much did the Eaton cost you? Were you able to do it yourself?

About $350 shipped, and I didn't attempt it myself. It involves replacing the entire carrier, so it is a pretty involved install and IMO requires professional know-how.

Thanks Alec, I called a few shops, could only find one that work on rear ends, the guy said about $500.00 just for the labor to do the swap. He also mentioned that he thought there were spider gears you could buy that would do the same thing without having to change the whole differential? Didn't make sense to me. Has anyone ever heard this?

That guy didn't know anything.

There aren't any 4x4 shops in your area?

I can't seem to find one around here that specializes in 4x4s. Can any memebers in CT recommend a decent shop? How much did it cost you (Alec) to have your swap done?

In CT, I don't know of any shops around that I'd recommend. If you find one, let me know. I am saving for a "powertrax no slip" for the rear (4.10s with open now) and am gonna try install myself. I've heard they are pretty easy to do. It is dubbed as a street friendly locker and people here seem to like it enough. It's probably much better off road and bad roads than the eaton, but not quite as street friendly. Supposedly once you learn to drive with it correctly (light on gas around turns) it doesn't make much/any noise or tire chirping.

They run about the same expense as an Eaton, maybe a little more (350-400 shipped). If you decide to go this route, i'll help you install sometime. I've heard it's a couple hour job. Research it here and see what you think.

Yup, the Ptrax is easier to install and can be DIY.

Getting the Eaton installed costs the same as gears (but install is free if you're getting gears done at the same time), anywhere from $200-350.

sweaver, thanks for the info. Let's try it on your truck first :D . I may call the dealer and see what they would charge to install the Eaton before giving up on it.

Try a mustang shop

For the rear axle if you cant find a 4x shop, you might check out the street musclecar scene and see if you can find a shop that deals with Mustangs- they will be able to do the rear end work.

Check with any 4x clubs in the area, the members may be able to help you out with a reference.

May also talk to someone at a trans shop, ask them who they would use.

Just some suggestions outside of the yellow pages.
