Ouray, CO Labor Day Trip 8/29-9/1 2008 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ouray, CO Labor Day Trip 8/29-9/1 2008

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Elite Explorer
February 2, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
It is time to start planning the next big Southwestern Explorer trip now that Moab is over. This trip will be to Ouray, Colorado over Labor Day Weekend. The dates are Friday August 29th - Monday September 1st.

All Explorers welcome! From street or 2 wheel drive to highly modified there is something for everyone in the area!

Trail Descriptions:


I highly suggest The Colorado Trails Guide Book Vol. 1 2nd Edition by Charles Wells as well.

CB Channel:

Ch 1 primary with Ch 3 as the backup channel (if too much radio traffic on 1, etc.)

Trail Itinerary:

We will be wheeling on Saturday and Sunday and Friday and Monday for those who wish to arrive early or stay late.

As of now it looks like:

Friday at your own discresion


Black Bear + Imogene + Yankee boy Basin if time. Ophir pass instead of Blackbear for the stockers and/or less experienced

Engineer + Cinnamon + more if time/wanted

Black bear will be done on the day with the best weather

Monday: Trails at your own discresion

Meeting Location:

The Ice Park aka Rotary Park on the North end of Ouray, East side of road.

To avoid traffic on trails, the meeting time should be about 7:30 with a departure about 8AM from the park both days.

Suggested Lodging:

Ouray KOA
US Hwy 550 - CR23, PO Box J
Ouray, CO 81427
Information: (970) 325-4736
Fax: (970)325-0410
Email: koaouray1@mindspring.com
Reserve Online Now Or By Phone: (800) 562-8026

Ridgway-Ouray Lodge & Suites
For information and reservations, please call: 800-368-5444
373 Palomino Trail
P.O. Box 608
Ridgway, CO 81432

There are more hotel choices in Ouray however over the past years I have found the above 2 to be the best. Primitive camping is also available however I do not know where to suggest.

Required/Suggested Equipment:


Signed up:

Jeffbethandkidz (+2)
nssj2 (+2)
410Fortune (+1)

becker69 - still unconfirmed
1993fordexploere - still unconfirmed

Photos from CCR2000 (Colorado Colors Run), Labor Day Weekend of 2000 in Ouray:



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In! I cant wait for this one!

Man you are really on top of things! I have not made my reservations yet.

I was waiting for dates. It may sound weird, but I am literally living for this right now-I need it that bad.

Subscribing. I've committed to this trip, but if gasoline doesn't go down, I have no idea how I can budget the cost this trip will be :( I really want to make this one though. Thanks for bringing up the CCR2000 photo memories; that was one of the best fourwheeling runs I've ever been on.

Just made my reservations at the Ridgway-Ouray Lodge & Suites.

Gerald, I hope to see you there! And yes, I had a great time too in Ouray back in 2000. It was the first time I met many of you on this board. Im hoping for a big attendance like it was back then.

Im pretty new to the forum but would like to try and make the trip, have allot of prep. to do to the rig so might get it done in time. Would be awsome to make it back to the mountains.:thumbsup:


...Brian, Is your X back together???

Provided I get the EX running I am in. Just got it home today. but the rain is dampening the evaluation of it.

BTW: where is Ouray?


...Brian, Is your X back together???

Not yet :( I just straightened out the rear bumper tire carrier today. I have pounded out most of the dents, got new glass and got a hatch from the junkyard. Still need a door and then some bondo work and a paintjob but it will definately be ready by Labor Day weekend!

...:scratch:...I've been looking all over for a thread showing the rebuilding of your X and can't find one..But, I am glad it will be back on the road and soon..:thumbsup:

I'm might be a possible; depending on my work schedule, fuel prices, accident settlement, and/or personal schedule.

I took Saturday and Sunday off. I'll probably wheel Sunday and leave around 3 or 4 to make work on Monday. Anyone planning on wheeling Friday? I'll defiantly be up for it if anyone is there.

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'Scribing. I'll have just moved to Oklahoma, but if I can get the time off, I'm so there.

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