Ouray, CO Labor Day Trip 8/29-9/1 2008 | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ouray, CO Labor Day Trip 8/29-9/1 2008

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Those cheap wally-world compressors aren't worth the money. They might once or twice (very slowly) but you will be replacing them before long.

Save your pennies, and buy a real one. If I remember correctly, when we did this run in 2000, I was the only one with a compressor, and there was only one tire in our group that needed air while on the trail (OK, the dirt road in Amicus Forks.) We did help another Explorer we found on the trial, but that is another story.

For most of these trails, airing down is not required. If you do, drop to 25 psi, and just air up at a gas station before heading home. Driving around town with only 25 psi in your tires won't hurt anything (just don't speed.)

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I have a small issue

In an effort to "calm down" the cackle of my higher compression cammed engine, I am running a duramax deisel muffler-( seen in foreground)

I have about 9" ground clearance for about 20" x10"
I took it to the muff shop to try to have my custom Jakee 3" y pipe and high flow cats installed, with a hooker aerochamber muffler. The Muff shop guy wouldn't do it.
" You've been in here 4 times now trying to get a good mellow sound. Now you bring me a small cat and one of the loudest muff on the market?"
" I don;t think so" he went on" your stock cats are 50% of your sound control now. If I put this on there you'll be louder then with the dual glass packs"

So, on the way there we will be quiet, but on the way home it might be a different story-
And let me tell you, with the torque converter this thing has-just getting it moving makes a lot of noise with no muffler.


Finally, I will be bring a minor assortment of tools. I would like to buy a high lift jack, come-alongs, Tree saver, and tow straps. Unfortunately, I can't afford them all. What do you guys recommend I buy for this trip?

Tow strap first (no hooks, just loops!), A D-ring shackle or 2, 1st aide kit and fire extinguisher would be my priority. Go to the very first post and see the suggested equipment list which might give you some ideas. If your not too modified or have the stock bumpers a hi-lift wont do much good. I would buy a hi-lift over a come-alon though as the hilift can do both.

hey jenni, would you want to meet in boulder some time friday by the highway and follow us?

yeah dude, when are you planning on leaving? i'm thinking this might be a reality for me... assuming i can take off work a bit early on friday. i don't think that should be a problem

Looks like i had family coming from Mikes home town the same weekend. There just gonna bring the tranny for me and save me some $$$. So im out. You guys have a blast. Be safe

yeah dude, when are you planning on leaving? i'm thinking this might be a reality for me... assuming i can take off work a bit early on friday. i don't think that should be a problem

nice! should be leaving here around 11. so id be down there at 12 (8 hour drive :eek:). let ya know for sure later this week.

My update supplies now includes 20' Tow Strap, and High Lift Jack. I am looking at getting a $40 dollar CB from Walmart. What do you think?

Hokie, I'm coming by myself if you are looking for someone to ride the trails with. I know it isn't as fun as driving.:(

I am looking at getting a $40 dollar CB from Walmart. What do you think?

That should get you a decent one. Make sure it is 40 channel, some of them are only half that. What brand is it? Wal-mart site doesnt show it. Uniden and Cobra are both good brands. A CB will be really helpful on the trails so do what you have to do to have it on the trip! Dont forget a mag mount antenna.

well the X is on the trailer, this time tomorrow should be in Salida, the on to Ouray Thursday morning if anyone gets in early give me a call, Brian call me before you head to True Grit, we'll meet yall for dinner, (I asume th folks are coming) wooo hooo 22 hours and we are on the road, ya'll be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brian and others,

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend this weekend's event. Logistically, I just could not get it to work out. I know you will have fun - be sure to post lots of pictures!

On a good note, I am planning on next year's CCR. I intend to be out there for a week! Perhaps we can encourage a large turnout, similar to the one in 2000.

Have fun - I am jealous!

Brian and others,

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend this weekend's event. Logistically, I just could not get it to work out. I know you will have fun - be sure to post lots of pictures!

On a good note, I am planning on next year's CCR. I intend to be out there for a week! Perhaps we can encourage a large turnout, similar to the one in 2000.

Have fun - I am jealous!

...This is so wrong in so many ways...:thumbdwn: ..

...Since gas is way to high for me to try and make it, I was getting set to watch for the pictures to come in from the trails...Now there will be no Rangers out there...:(

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