P0430 code help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P0430 code help

Trace Elements

New Member
December 21, 2013
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Cedar Creek
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer
Let me start by saying this is an awesome forum and has helped me resolve numerous issues to date. With that said I need some advice. I have a 98 explorer 4.0 SOHC which recently developed a p0430 code and a CEL. I have also experienced a decrease in gas mileage from about 16 to now about 11mpg. I understand that this code translates to the bank 2 catalyst efficiency. Here is my issue. There is a known exhaust leak at the muffler that I plan to replace in the next week or so by replacing the exhaust system from the cats back. I was wondering if anybody knew of any probable causes of a decrease in mileage and a p0430 code? If it is the catalytic converter, which one of the two is the "bank 2" catalytic converter. Also could the exhaust leak have anything to do with this code? Should the o2 sensors be replaced at the same time? Thanks in advance for the help!

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The p0430 code will trigger a check engine light (or MIL), and it most deffently translates to "catalyst efficiency". An exhaust leak at the muffler should not have any effect whatsoever with this, and should be considered a separate problem altogether. 9 times out of 10 if it's throwing catalytic converter "efficiency" code, you'll simply need to purchase a new catalytic converter. The bank 2 catalytic converter would be the driver side (same side as cylinder 2), bank 1 is the passenger side (same side as cylinder 1). Should you replace the o2 sensors at the same time? I wouldn't. The sensors seem to be doing fine, and they have detected the poor quality of the catalytic converter. Failing o2 sensors usually give off a code for themselves - which you have not stated anything other then the one DTC of p0430. Personally, I don't believe in replacing working parts with new parts - however nothing could go wrong if you do decide to do that (unless the new sensors are faulty). Good luck, I hope I've helped.

PO420 & PO430 Codes - Fix The Real Problem First, Then Change The Converter :)


You will likely not notice any drivability problems, although there may be symptoms such as a rough/hard idle when cold.


A code P0430 may mean that one or more of the following has happened:
•The catalytic converter is no longer functioning properly
•An oxygen sensor is not reading (functioning) properly
•There is an exhaust leak

Though the P0430 probably points to a bad catalytic converter, I would look for the source of the poor gas mileage first, because the two may be related. These converters rarely fail on their own, and more often than not are damaged by unburned hydrocarbons. How is your oil consumption?

By the way, the person who advised on the location of the banks made a little typo: cylinders 1,2 and 3 are bank 1 (which is the passenger side). Cylinders 4,5, and 6 are in bank 2.

Let me start by saying this is an awesome forum and has helped me resolve numerous issues to date. With that said I need some advice. I have a 98 explorer 4.0 SOHC which recently developed a p0430 code and a CEL. I have also experienced a decrease in gas mileage from about 16 to now about 11mpg. I understand that this code translates to the bank 2 catalyst efficiency. QUOTE]

Its not using any oil, but the idle is a little rough. I installed a new fuel filter when I replaced the fuel pump. (the one on the frame rail under driver's door) I also believe I am overdue for plugs and wires, those are sitting in my shop, just need to put them in.

Its not using any oil, but the idle is a little rough. I installed a new fuel filter when I replaced the fuel pump. (the one on the frame rail under driver's door) I also believe I am overdue for plugs and wires, those are sitting in my shop, just need to put them in.

How many miles are on it? If you're over 100k and still on the original o2 sensors, I'd replace them just as a matter of routine maintenance.

Now, IIRC, I used to get code p0420 every 3-4 mo for about 8 years. It finally went away after I replaced the DPFE sensor, and has been gone for 3 years now.

There re 190k on it Which catalytic converter would you guys suggest?

I have gotten the 420/430 codes occasionally for the last 10 years. I just erase the code; the IM monitors reset and the vehicle will pass emisssions here in GA. I have never replaced a converter, and would not unless this became a constantly recurring issue that prevented me from registering vehicle. At that point, give the cost of converters, I doubt I would repair my 17 year old, 285K miles vehicle. Good luck.

Let me start by saying this is an awesome forum and has helped me resolve numerous issues to date. With that said I need some advice. I have a 98 explorer 4.0 SOHC which recently developed a p0430 code and a CEL. I have also experienced a decrease in gas mileage from about 16 to now about 11mpg. I understand that this code translates to the bank 2 catalyst efficiency. Here is my issue. There is a known exhaust leak at the muffler that I plan to replace in the next week or so by replacing the exhaust system from the cats back. I was wondering if anybody knew of any probable causes of a decrease in mileage and a p0430 code? If it is the catalytic converter, which one of the two is the "bank 2" catalytic converter. Also could the exhaust leak have anything to do with this code? Should the o2 sensors be replaced at the same time? Thanks in advance for the help!

I'm have the same issue with a 2002 ford explorer xlt 4.6l just no leaks found yet. Can't afford to replace cats

There re 190k on it Which catalytic converter would you guys suggest?

Magna Flow 51004 is a direct replacement. About $120 on Amazon with free shipping. I had a shop weld a new one in after a thief sawzalled my original out.
