Paint Touch-Up + New Gauges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint Touch-Up + New Gauges


June 17, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Somewhere, RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
Hey guys,
So first off, I am buying a new gauge cover:

I just want to know if you like them.

And what I want to do is a nice interior paint touch up on some of the parts.
I want to paint these areas:
The panels around the cluster

The control panel

The cup holder (that's my co-pilot by the way, girlfriend gave it to me)

And the handles especially. They've worn out. Also, I'd paint the speakers if I could while I was at it.

What kind of paint should I buy? I need something durable that's going to look nice and last for a long time.
And are there any other places I should paint while I'm at it?

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Where did you find that gauge cluster? It looks very nice. Does it only fit certain years, such as 2005 XLT??

I got it off Ebay: Click Here

This one only fits the 98-01 gauges
If you look through Ebay you can find a set similar to this. Make sure it is exactly like yours though. I almost bought one that had the check engine light in the wrong spot. Make sure everything will line up properly.

Dupli-color and Rust-Oleum both make a vinyl spray paint.

A friend of mine sprayed his interior with another product but I can't remember the name. It looks great and has held up for a few years now. I'll try and figure out what it is.

Okay, thank you. Do you know where I can buy that? Would it just be at a hardware store?
If you find out that'd be great.

If you're thinking ahead, you'll buy a replacement gauge cluster (black) for cheap on eBay, peel those off and re-face them with your new kit- and sell your complete white-face gauges and make all of (and then some of) your money back. Lots of people want those white face gauges... ;)

@ Joe Dirt
That's a great idea, but does that require taking the needles off? I'm very nervous on removing those because I've heard some stories on them not realigning the right way.

if the price is right i might take the white gauges from you. been hard to find a set at Pull-A-Part :(.

@ Joe Dirt
That's a great idea, but does that require taking the needles off? I'm very nervous on removing those because I've heard some stories on them not realigning the right way.

I think you need to pull the pointers off anyway to put your new face plates on, dont you?

p.s. I like those new ones from e-bay.

@ Joe Dirt
That's a great idea, but does that require taking the needles off? I'm very nervous on removing those because I've heard some stories on them not realigning the right way.

You have to pull the needles and the gauge face either way.

Okay, so I will have the white face plates left over after this?
Thank-you guys, your help is much appreciated.

P.S. Xplorer82, if I'm going to sell them away, you'll be the first to know.

P.S. Xplorer82, if I'm going to sell them away, you'll be the first to know.

that would be greatly appreciated. thanks :thumbsup:

So I went to my local Auto Zone and found this. It's a grey that's close to the current coloring of my truck right now. It's lighter than what the picture shows it to be.
This stuff worth it?

I would probably go with Krylon Fusion over that paint. Fusion is made specifically for plastic. As far as the door handles, I'm not sure any paint would really do good on a plastic wear surface. I would maybe sand the finish off the handles, if they're black underneath I would maybe just leave them that way.

Ok, the stuff he used is called Car Brite Kolor Kote. You"ll have to google it. It worked really well.

I know some people that have put the clear car-bra plastic wrap on the handles of their sport to keep the paint from peeling off...

@ briwayjones
I'll look into the Krylon Fusion paint.
I don't think it's black underneath but I may be wrong(or I probably am)

@ KPSquared
I googled it, it looks like excellent quality stuff. It seems reasonable in price also so I will look into this more too.

@ Joe Dirt
Good idea.
