Paint wheels or not... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint wheels or not...

What should I do with my wheels?

  • Paint 'em.....(insert idea in post)

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Explorer Addict
August 10, 2006
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2000 Limited
I want opinions about this.....

Black wheels with chrome center caps, or aluminum wheels unpainted with no center caps.

What's your vote?

How it is now....

How it could be... (photoshoped by FROADER)

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I like the black look for lifted/offroad setups, or blacked out trucks (black paint, headlight covers, etc). For yours, to be honest, I'd say paint them white or leave them as is. White would look best, IMO.

For a better perspective, I had been planning on giving it a mild lift, of around 2"

Were they were still using that wheel in 96? I think it looks better silver, and I'd put the centers back on. Besides, that wheel is clear coated aluminum. Unless you really know what you're doing, I don't think repainting it would pan out too well.

paint them i did mine and i am so happy

Here they are


Here they are


Actually, it was yours that re-inspired my idea. I had been debating it about a year ago too.:rolleyes: Its still up in the air. I just can't decide if they would look good on a white truck.

im glad i inspired someone,
i think it would look really good on your truck, you always can sand them back down and paint them aluminum if you dont like them

i would do it if i had white

people will really think it is a po po X

i think the silver is best for a white truck. i didn't really think the photoshopped wheels looked right.

Actually, it was yours that re-inspired my idea. I had been debating it about a year ago too.:rolleyes: Its still up in the air. I just can't decide if they would look good on a white truck.

Yea, that's the catch. I think they look great on his truck because he has the blacked-out look goin on, but on a white truck....ehhhhh, not so much.

I say white rim, chrome center cap. Maybe leave the lip or the insie of the holes in the alum.

Powder coating by Jtsmith on the forum here.

Well, I decided to paint them. I figure, if I don't like it I can just strip the paint off. I just have to see what it is like though.
I also learned during this process how much I really need a bigger jack. The one I have now only can get the wheels about 1/4" off the ground, max.

Lifted off the ground with wheels removed

Wheels lined up and painted

Wheel painted

I took note cards and put them in the gap between the tire and rim, and taped them together to hold them in place. Made a perfect line, very easy to set up.

Painted and un-masked

Put back on

Put back on #2

I am liking the look so far, but I have not decided fully yet.

I'm not feeling either one... that blacked out rim thing with the tires you both have look like you lack creativity. Obviously (white truck) you do not because you are hands on and checking many options... but the black vehicle needs better tires, not necessarily anything expensive, but something that works with the vehicle and not the rims. The white truck, no. You seem too creative to be limited to a spray can... I vote no.

I'm not feeling either one... that blacked out rim thing with the tires you both have look like you lack creativity. Obviously (white truck) you do not because you are hands on and checking many options... but the black vehicle needs better tires, not necessarily anything expensive, but something that works with the vehicle and not the rims. The white truck, no. You seem too creative to be limited to a spray can... I vote no.

I would like to thank you for a response like this, just because I see a lot of threads asking for opinions and people just send insults and such if they do not like it, but you state your point, and also give suggestions.

you're welcome...

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im am liking the look,
i think it may look even better with some white letter tires. I dont know how it would look but it may give it that change to help you make your decision

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