Passenger side one touch window down | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Passenger side one touch window down


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
I really like the one touch down feature of the driver’s window on my ‘99 and have often wondered why Ford, in its infinite wisdom, did not make it available on the passenger window. Further, I have for years contemplated adding this feature but didn’t have an inkling how to accomplish the mission until I recently read a post ( by Jeff Draper post # 22 ) about a one touch window down Mustang kit from ( ) for only $27.00.

I contacted the manufacturer and asked if this mod would function in the Explorer and was assured it would. I ordered the kit.

The kit comes complete ( as shown in the photograph ) and has adequate instructions.

The installation was reasonably uncomplicated. The initial step was to remove the front passenger side door trim panel. Next, the wiring at the window switch was located; all connections will be made near the switch. The wire colors were verified with wiring diagrams in the Haynes Manual and the kit instruction. The 12v power wire to the window switch was determined with a voltmeter with the ignition turned to “on”; solid red wire.

The one touch module wire harness has five wires. Attach the blue/black stripe wire from the harness to the red ( 12v + with ignition “on” ) wire from the switch; attach the black wire from the harness to the black ( 12 v - ground ) wire from the switch; attach the yellow wire from the harness to the yellow/red stripe wire from the switch. There was only one wire that needed to be cut; the red/yellow stripe wire from the switch. Attach the white/black stripe from the harness to the switch end of the cut red/yellow stripe wire; attach the red wire from the module to the remaining cut end of the red/yellow stripe wire ( to the window motor ). After all of the connections are completed, the wire harness is plugged into the module and the module secured mounted inside the door.

The window switch was tested and found fully functional. The door trim panel was replaced.

After studying the wiring, the actual installation took about 30 minutes.

This is a reasonably priced and very convenient mod and I recommend it to all.

NOTE: The diagram says driver's side switch, it should say passenger's side switch.


  • window down module kit.jpg
    window down module kit.jpg
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  • window down wiring.jpg
    window down wiring.jpg
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  • window switch wiring.jpg
    window switch wiring.jpg
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After wiring in the modulr ....


  • module wiring.jpg
    module wiring.jpg
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Very nice! SHoudl be a sticky for useful threads. I'm gonna do this one

Oh almost forgot.. Does it work for the driver if the driver hits the switch for the pasenger window?

So then it would only take three switches to turn all four windows to auto down?

Is there a safety interlock built in somewhere in case a kid has his hands in the window while the one touch is engaged?

jkexplorer said:
Is there a safety interlock built in somewhere in case a kid has his hands in the window while the one touch is engaged?

Why would that be needed? This is for lowering the window.

Al, your door panels are off, right? It looks weird in the pics. Where are the door speakers at?

Sorry, I assumed incorrectly that it's for both, up and down operations.

BeauJ said:
Al, your door panels are off, right? It looks weird in the pics. Where are the door speakers at?

Yes, the door panel is off. The speaker is not shown in the pic; it is above and forward.

Glad to see you got it done. I assume the kit can also be used to add the one-touch up also if I find the right wires right?

03ExplorerSPT said:
Glad to see you got it done. I assume the kit can also be used to add the one-touch up also if I find the right wires right?

Sorry, I do not know.

wired_af said:
Does this unit have the feature where you touch the down button a second time it stops the window, instead of going down all the way?

Yes it does.


You say all connections are made at the pass door, is this correct? But in the second pic (diagram), it states that all connections are made at the drivers door... sort of confused on that one.

Thanks, just wondering.

The pics are of the passanger door, so I would assume its done at the passanger door.

draft said:

You say all connections are made at the pass door, is this correct? But in the second pic (diagram), it states that all connections are made at the drivers door... sort of confused on that one.

Thanks, just wondering.

It is done at the passengers side switch. I just noticed the drivers side switch in the diagram; I copied it from the manufacturer 0 its a mistake.

Thanks for pointing it out.

IAmTodd said:
The pics are of the passanger door, so I would assume its done at the passanger door.

Yes it is.

>>The installation was reasonably uncomplicated. The initial step was to remove the front passenger side door trim panel. Next, the wiring at the window switch was located<<

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Ok thanks.
