PATS Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PATS Issue


Active Member
April 29, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Marietta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Occasionally, I am unable to start my engine. The theft light flashes rapidly then flashes once then a pause then flashes six times. According to what I researched, this code means faulty link between PATS and PCM. I took it to a NAPA service center and the mechanic told me it was due to an aftermarket key. I had two new keys programed as well as the PATS and PCM. All was good until today. It did it again today. Same flashing code. After ten minutes of waiting and removing and reinserting the key, it finally started. This does not happen all the time. There is no rhyme or reason as to when it will fail again. It will work just fine for a while then out of the blue it will fail to start. What else can I do?

1998 Ford Explorer EB, 4.0 SOHC.

I’d pull the cover and have a look at the pickup ring that goes around the key.

I’d pull the cover and have a look at the pickup ring that goes around the key.
Do those transponders go bad often? Do you think it is more likely to be the transponder than the PATS or PCM?

Do those transponders go bad often? Do you think it is more likely to be the transponder than the PATS or PCM?
No its rare but not unheard of

I had another key one time interfere with my key
Next time try taking the key off the ring and then give it a shot
