Picks from this weekends Lift Swapping Fun! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Picks from this weekends Lift Swapping Fun!


Make em say Ugh
June 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
73 EB
Well sort of fun. I am a bit sore and worn out. We swapped my lift out onto SSIKORA's 95. Went pretty smooth. Had to torch a few bolts, but that is just plain fun;) .

They are crappy but you get the idea...


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Looks good......i'm jealous :D

I need more lift now

it is amazing we got all the tools picked up. I am sure there are some burried....:(

<== SAS Fiend!! :D

I suppose that because your SAS is in the works now?? :D

Yeah i was just noticing that!

Yup it is becuase mine is unofficially officially started. I will be getting some better pics of mine this weekend. But the worst of it is done. Next step is to torch of mounts and the crossmember and finish restoring the 44. So that is the goal for next weekend. Gotta save some time for the wifey.;)

:D Yet another genetically re-engineered X! :D

You're gonna write it up and post everything for us soon to be SAS people??

Originally posted by cdsl227
:D Yet another genetically re-engineered X! :D

You're gonna write it up and post everything for us soon to be SAS people??

Of course. My thread has already begun, but I will update it tonight with pics.

Did ssikora do the SOA with the 4 door packs?

nope mono and AAL. We left two of the spacers in there. The end result rides very nice. I wish I had better pics of the rear with the perches and shock mounts, he got a good deal on some very well made parts.

did he use the long AAL or short? Are his t-bars cranked at all?

sorry for all the questions

The AAL is fairly long and stout. he has been running that for a while. T-bars are the B rated and are cranked with a good 1.5 inches or so of thread left. I am sure it settled on his way home, so he will have to chime in and let us know about the final adjustments when he is finished recovering.

Only part run we had to make was for two bolts for the rear shocks cause I had to cut off the old ones. We replaced a few others with some of my old ones, but we all know I won't need them any more. I don't even have enought parts around to go back to stock:( . But why would I want to do that?

Damn once again, it looks good. Hopefuly one day i will have the funds to go bigger, but for now i will have to settle for my 33's :cool:

SSIKORA if you see this please PM me info on your AAL, please.

Ok...I am back. It rides very nicely. Dave, I will chat will you on Tue about something but I am very happy. Yomie, I have a 3/4 length AAL. I just went to my local spring shop and had them add one. Overall...I am very pleased. Dave, I thank you and your wife for being so hospitiable(sp?). You two are great. Thanks for all your hard work. I noticed I had an extra 13mm and 5/8" socket in my box. ;)

Better overnight them back to me!:D J/K. I was going through mine today and found I have plenty trying to make a holder for all my sockets. Found I am missing a couple, but didn't have them before either. But that is OK Lowes has all their sockets on clearance.

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Looks good but those rocks don't look to comfy.
