pics of stock 95+ w/ 31x10.50 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pics of stock 95+ w/ 31x10.50

i think im gonna go ahead and get a set of bfg ko's on my '99 sport....stock, no lift...planning on the usual 31x10.50, and i was wondering if anybody had any pictures of a late model explorer with no suspension or body lifts with this size tire so i can see how it looks...or if you can give me the name of an explorer owner in the pictures on this page, i can find their car and look..thanks...

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Here's a picture

This is of my wife's 98 XLT SOHC, has Warrior shackles and a torsion twist, but the tires fit just fine before that. They're BFG KO's 31x10.5 on the factory 15x7's.

Sorry the truck isn't the focus of the picture (and they're shrinked down for modem connections), but it should give you a decent idea of what it looks like.

I will just tell you that it is _real_ obvious when parked next to stock Explorers. On the other hand, it doesn't look extreme, and it drives wonderfully. Those new KO's are unexpectedly good. Totally worth the $$$.

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Tom Wilk has a fairly stock Sport with 265/75r16s which are slightly bigger than the size you are looking at getting.


He's about to install several suspension upgrades but this picture should give you a good idea on a stock suspension vehicle. At the time of this picture the only suspension mod he had is a set of slightly longer Jeep shackles that corrected his rear end sag.

[Edited by GJarrett on 06-07-2000 at 10:25 AM]

What does Tom think about the tire size? I am picking up a set of Michelin LTX A/Ts this afternoon in the same size. We test fit one yesterday, and I did have to cut off the inside bottom corner of my fender flare on the front wheels since the tire rubbed it slightly. I would have stayed with the stock 255 70/16 tires if I could have gotten them in the Michelin LTX A/Ts. My only choice for those tires were to either go up to the next size or down a size. I didn't wan't to go up. I had considered the BFG A/T KOs but they were $300 more for the set (in the proper size though).


This is a picture of my 97XLT with 31X10.5R15 BFG A/T's Before I did the "Torsion Bar Twist"/Warrior shackles.


Here's another one


Ray I never realized (or forgot) that you put those one before the torsion twist/shackle lift. How long did you run it that way?

If you notice the Picture of the three Explorers, there isn't a license plate on the truck yet. I just got the truck. That was a little over a year ago. Those tires were on my 95 and I had that for 2 years. When I got the 97 I had the dealer swap tires. The 97 had those crumy Firestones.
The back tires are those same tires (I replaced the fronts before going to Moab). They have 72 Thousand miles on them and still have decent tread on them. That's no typo.
Sorry for going off subject but the 31's fit on my 95(no lift) and they fit on the 97 with no lift, and no rubbing. The 95 had a slight rubbing at full compression. I didn't do the "Torsion Bar Twist" until you got Warrior to make the Shackles, and I was probably the second or third person to get them. In fact I got mine before you got yours, remember?

[Edited by Ray Lobato on 06-07-2000 at 08:38 PM]

Yeah, I remember. Warrior shipped mine via burro or something and it took me a few days longer to get that first set straight from the factory than it did for about a half dozen of you other guys to get a set from Warrior to Desert Rat to your homes.

well i just had my new BFG a/t ko's put on yesterday on my '99 sport....looks awsome...big big improvement.....the 31x10.50 fit with only a small amount of rubbing on the inside front corner of the front fenders...i took my dremel tool and cut off a small amount of the corner's so now i have no rubbing at all..i think that putting on the new tires was probably the best visual enhancer i have beats the brush guard and the other things i have put on it...

Hey ford5_0,
Pictures? How about some pictures? I always like seeing pictures of Explorers. :D One other thing. Those BFG's will last a very long time.

well i wish i could get some pic;s. but im still not sure how to post em up here...ive heard you have to have them already on the net somewhere...and i dont have access to somewhere like that...if u know a way to get em up here thats easy lemme know..first i need to get some polaroids of it first...

Hey ford5_0,
Here's what you do.
This is if you don't have a scanner. Take your film in to have it developed and while they are developing it, have them put it on floppy too. Any Kodak store can do it for you. The cost is about 6 bucks extra. I know the Rite-Aid stores can do it. You can upload the pictures to It's free to register and unlike ecircles your links to your pictures stays the same. I used Photopoint to put the picture of my Explorer on my registry. :D If you need any help with it, just give me a holler.

sounds like a good idea..i never thought of the store putting 'em on a disk for goin outa town tommorow till friday, but when i get back im gonna take some pics and get em developed/ i figure in about a week i should have em posted..thanks
