Pismo Beach '08 Part 1 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pismo Beach '08 Part 1


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...this is open to anyone who wants to come out and enjoy the sand, the surf, and the dunes...:D

...this is to discuss the dates for this years trip as there are several other trips already planned...
...Remember, we also need to plan around the lumpia schedule...;)

Tentative Date = June 6/7/8

Here are a couple links from last years runs with lots of pics
Pismo 6/01/07
Pismo Part Deux 8/10/07

For sure's

Black Goblin

Can't make it:
Froader's Dad

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I'm in!!!...:bounce:

...of course depending on work, large uncontrolled fires, or other acts of God...:rolleyes:

The dates don't really matter to me since I truly won't know if I can make it until I'm already there...:confused:

Well I better chime in here since I twisted Ted's arm to get this started:cool:

As for a date how about June again ? Any other thoughts?

EDIT Damn the "for Sure" list grew awful quickly:D

...june sounds great but if it decides to warm up earlier this year, maybe an earlier run...the college kids get out when???:scratch:

End of May if you have'nt check the Moab thread lately:P since there was a big deal about the date over there for Moab

...i know alot of the go fast guys that go to school out here won't be going to moab but will go to pismo...i think thats why june worked out so good last year...i just posted a tentative date in june...;)

Looks good to me since i don't think i am gonna make it this year to Moab with everything else that's been happening lately:confused:

...i was just thinking, pismo beach might be fun during spring break if it's bikini weather...:D

Well June (and July) are a no-go for me. I'm flying to Europe May 31 and won't be back till July 12th. I know, it's a darn shame ;). So, you'll have to remove me from the 'for sure' list. That's also why i'm not going to Moab.
I get out of school May 23rd (i think), so i'd be able to do either a run between then and June, or on my spring break, which is March 29-April 4. I might just head up there for a couple days on my spring break, regardless of whether it's the official EF pismo trip or not.

...i was just thinking, pismo beach might be fun during spring break if it's bikini weather...:D

Ah, you posted while i was looking up dates :) Good thinking, Ted.

...we need to contact white96x and a few others and see when they get spring break...;)
....maybe part deux will be in june...:dunno:

...I was thinking about ya...You will be ugraded from possible, to for sure..:thumbsup:...Glad you can make it out...:D

hmm hmm hmm hi


don't know what dates are good for me, but so many runs is going to start getting expensive. Glamis, AZ, Pismo, Moab. don't think i'll ever have money or time to work on the truck :confused:

hmm hmm hmm hi


don't know what dates are good for me, but so many runs is going to start getting expensive. Glamis, AZ, Pismo, Moab. don't think i'll ever have money or time to work on the truck :confused:

Well it appears the AZ run as orginally planned has gone down in flames.:eek:

...carlover, i put you in as a possible...;)

...cyber, what happened to the az. run??? i thought it was all set up???

Well looking at that post from Rick this morning i guess there only planning a day run out there and not weekend run like what was planned in the first place.

froader...you'll be there, but i'll put you and your pop's as possible's...;)

cyber, thats a bummer...i knew they had one day ... i think rockranger still wants to run the hammers...:D

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