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Plasti dipped stock wheels and chrome pieces/HID fogs installed

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TT auto if i remember. i was amazed just talking to him, i wasnt going to tell him if i ended up with the cash lol. i am positive he got ripped off. 56k is very low in my opinion.

Most definitely

New 6000K headlights to match HID fogs:



I went with DDM tuning kits. Took and an hour total for headlights and fogs. The fogs took a little longer bc I had to feel to put the fogs in. The passengers side was a little trickier because a fluid reservoir was right behind the entry to the passenger foglight. Was a straightforward install though. Plug and play the wires.

I went with DDM tuning kits. Took and an hour total for headlights and fogs. The fogs took a little longer bc I had to feel to put the fogs in. The passengers side was a little trickier because a fluid reservoir was right behind the entry to the passenger foglight. Was a straightforward install though. Plug and play the wires.

So you got the 9005 HID Kit plus brackets and HID Harness for the Headlamps
the H11 HID Kit plus brackets and HID Harness for the Foglamps.

Does that sound correct? That should have totaled around $86 before shipping.

Any issues so far with flickering or not coming on when using the Headlamp Auto position?

So you got the 9005 HID Kit plus brackets and HID Harness for the Headlamps
the H11 HID Kit plus brackets and HID Harness for the Foglamps.

Does that sound correct? That should have totaled around $86 before shipping.

Any issues so far with flickering or not coming on when using the Headlamp Auto position?

I got the 9005 6000K HID kit for the headlights and the H11 6000K for the fogs, nothing else. I didn't buy the addition parts they were selling(mounting brackets, harness, or error eliminator cable). I didn't think it was necessary. I just bought the 35W slim ballast kit. They are both on sale right now for $29.95. THat's a great deal. I have had zero problems with mine and likewise for my friends. Mine have no flickered when turned to the auto position. I always turn my car on, wait a couple seconds and then turn my lights on, so I haven't had the issues of flickering/turning off. To mount them I used zip ties. On each of the ballasts there's a screw hole on the ends, which I used to run the zip tie through. Honestly the hardest part out of the whole installation process was finding a place to put the ballast lol.

_RELENTLESS_? Your cutoff for the low beams, in the second photo, looks very different from my 2013 sport OEM halogens. Did you change the HIDs out from OEM halogens lenses?

_RELENTLESS_? Your cutoff for the low beams, in the second photo, looks very different from my 2013 sport OEM halogens. Did you change the HIDs out from OEM halogens lenses?


My 2013 Sport came with factory installed Halogen lights, and the cut off did not look like the pictures relentless posted until I installed a HID upgrade kit.
You do not need to change the factory projector lenses, just the HID bulbs (9005) and ballast.

I just saw another thread and noticed that you have already done this conversion, and a very fine job you have done. But reading the thread you are getting a different cut off pattern, as I have said mine is like relentless pictures, I used the kit from cool bulbs and have no movement on the fitting of the bulb.


_RELENTLESS_? Your cutoff for the low beams, in the second photo, looks very different from my 2013 sport OEM halogens. Did you change the HIDs out from OEM halogens lenses?

I upgraded to HIDs from halogens but didn't change the lenses.

Have you Plasti Dip'd the roof rack rails yet to match the black ones on the Sport?

I just need to know how to get them off and I will be doing the rails.

They look way better black

No I have not blacked out the rails yet. Honestly I don't know if I will or not. Maybe if I have nothing else to do I will. Here are some pics as of yesterday of how my explorer looks now. First couple were just out and about and saw a cool backdrop of graffiti so decided to take a few pics. The last few are as of now. I plastidipped the chrome trim on the doors, door handles, and two chrome trim pieces on the grill. Let me know what you guys think:





