possible problem in clear corners install.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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possible problem in clear corners install..


Well-Known Member
March 23, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Hesperia/Victorville, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLS
i installed my clear corners today (NOT the diamond ones) and when i got done i realized that the part next to the headlight sticks out about 1/4"



i tried pushing it in as if maybe one of the pins didnt completely go in, but it felt like i was going to break it with my massive strength =|

is that supposed to stick out like that? or should i push harder? or is there some other way to fix the "problem"?

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ok.. ill try that bright and early tomorrow... around noon haha

tried it.. to no avail. oh well ill try again later. BUT

i did get some sylvania turn signal bulbs (appear blue, light up amber) and theyre awesome. Im at my girlfriends house right now so ill post pictures when i get home

If the corners are in all the way, the next option would be to adjust the headlights out to line them up with the corners. Of course then you'd have to re-aim your headlights.

i had the same problem with my older clears and had to do what jefe said - readjust the headlights (what a B!TCH!).

as promised.
blueish purple during the day, bright amber during the night


