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Post yer 94 pictures

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thanks, wished it looked as good as did when it was bought new. looked great. pretty rare color i guess cause i don't see to many...

I don't either. That red jumped out at me when I was scrolling down.

I'll just keep fixing it cause i just love it...

I hear ya'. Same here. :)

I don't either. That red jumped out at me when I was scrolling down.

I hear ya'. Same here. :)

I've seen probably a handfull of Performance Red since my 12 years of driving on the road and only 2 was a 4dr.

Don't have any digital stock pics, but here's my '94 with a 2" suspension lift and 235/75R15s (~29") in SW CO:


Next step in the evolution--2" suspension lift + 2" body lift with some 33x9.50s:

at home (at the time):

Flat Nasty ORP, Jadwin, MO:

And the next step--more trimming and 33x12.50s:

Outside of Joplin, MT:

Near Glacier National Park, MT:

Where my '94 is now, SASed on a Dana 60 and Sterling 10.25" sportin' 40s:

Cinnamon Pass summit, SW CO:

My wife tearin' it up at Flat Nasty ORP, Jadwin, MO:

Don't have any digital stock pics, but here's my '94 with a 2" suspension lift and 235/75R15s (~29") in SW CO:

Welcome among us on

My 94'

Heres my 94' when it was stock


here is how it looks now


painted grill no headliner roof racks or tow hitch :p: and Tupperware on the sides gone!

Here is my '94.


How she looks now

How I want her to look (except w/ larger tires)

:thumbsup: Very nice truck.
you have installed a lift type particular ????


:thumbsup: Very nice truck.
you have installed a lift type particular ????


Thank you:D, yes right now it has a 3 inch body lift. The last picture is edited to show how much lift i would like to have in the future.

Thank you very much ;)

Some good looking trucks ...working on picking up my third first gen in. the next week or so

Here's mine...chopped top, winch, front & rear bumpers, 33x10.5x15 KM2's, 2" suspension lift. I just picked up an open 8.8 with discs, going with an Aussie locker,hope to have it swapped out this summer.


:thumbsup: Nice picture

Great lookin chopped Ex!

Your knives are beyond incredible-just checked out your website.

94 Limited 33X12.50's 6inch skyjacker front SOA in the rear.





Off Road Video from South America, Argentina

Hey People !
Here you have a video made from a trip to the province of Cordoba,Argentina.
Lots of rock y trail trips to pass through!

Tell me what you thing!

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