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seeing all of these rust free first gens pisses me off.

pfffttt ... ohio salt

I feel ya! Mine was down in Virginia for years, and now up in the Pacific NW it just doesn't look right lol

well i want to do 4 12" subs in a custom box, and then get a roof rack and add 4 more fogs to that then add another two to the hood

I had an 18" SoloX Kicker subwoofer with a 1500 watt RockfordFosgate amp. Had to lay one of my back seats down just so it would fit, but it was coool while I had it!!

Here's another one my creations... a 94 Sport

:thumbsup:Wow!! it looks beautiful, I can congratulate you for your work is amazing I still dreaming before such work HAAAAAAAAAAA :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


Nah. Clear corners and tint aren't really my thing. Thanks though. :D

I sold my '94, but I do have a '95 Eddie that I just recently purchased. It will be on it's way soon after I straighten out the frame and get a new MAF sensor. :salute:

;) the rims are what size 15 "16"? and tires?
thank you very much


Here's my '94 Limited on 35x14.50x15 Thornturds.

6" Skyjacker
Supperrunner steering
home-brewed sway bar diconnects

6" Skyjacker Ranger springs
Home-brewed shackles and axle shims (well, I made them in the machine shop at work, not really at home)
no sway bar

:thumbsup: Nice look


Here's my '94 Limited on 35x14.50x15 Thornturds.

6" Skyjacker
Supperrunner steering
home-brewed sway bar diconnects

6" Skyjacker Ranger springs
Home-brewed shackles and axle shims (well, I made them in the machine shop at work, not really at home)
no sway bar



Does that beast run? If so, you need to bring that next weekend with me to Rausch for some jeep eatin!


6" Sky jacker coils
4" Super lift Leaf Springs
2" Copper Head Fab Shackles
Swaybars removed
33" BFG All Terrains
BBK Throttle body
Dynomax Pipes w/ Flowmaster Muffler

Does that beast run? If so, you need to bring that next weekend with me to Rausch for some jeep eatin!

LOL. Yeah, she still runs. Its not on the road right now. I'm about to start Round 2 of mods:
-94 Cobra 5.0l or a 94 roller cam 5.8l. (have both, just have to decide. I also have 2 Paxton SN89s, 1 destined for each motor eventually. :D)
-95 F350 ZF trans backed up by a np435 and a np205. (idea courtesy of Gwaii on TRS.)
-D44 knuckle swap or D44 SAS (high pinion narrowed to EB width. I have all the parts for both, just have to decide which one.)
-Custom bumpers
-anything else that comes to mind while I'm working on it.

Too bad I'm not up and running for the rausch creek trip :p:

Glen4X4 said:
Too bad I'm not up and running for the rausch creek trip :p:

Hey Ill always go back...time to get fixing...we need to get a good NJ/PA run to rausch sometime soon!

:rolleyes: hello all,
What is the advantage of removing "sway bar" with a big lift



:rolleyes: hello all,
What is the advantage of removing "sway bar" with a big lift



It allows the axle to articulate more.

I would never recommend removing the front sway bar while your on the road, (some people will argue with me on that point, but my disconnects cost me under $5 and took 10 minutes to install. I dont want to start that argument on this thread.) but offroad - go for it.

Thank you very much for your reply.
I understood very well


1994 XLT just bought it, standard with LSD 118k miles, no rust whatsoever as is common with cars from the Andes here in Ecuador





1994 XLT just bought it, standard with LSD 118k miles, no rust whatsoever as is common with cars from the Andes here in Ecuador

:thumbsup: i said to me well, we might almost say a brand new truck. Congratulations on the purchase and good road




from a trip to moon rocks today


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:exp: You're lucky here there is no great track to play ;)

