Post yer 94 pictures | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post yer 94 pictures

All my 94s..

1st. Gonna put the limited wheels back on as soon as I refinish them and get some new tires.

2nd. The Eddie should have the "deer hoof" wheels but they were on another one at the time of this pic, (not a good time for me..)

3rd. Flexing out..

4th. And finally my latest, the JP project truck, currently just a body shell and frame. Will be starting body work next weekend, and prepping for paint.





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I would post a pic. of my 94 EB but don't know how to work this website. :angryfire: I've been trying to figure out how to start a post as well to start a build on my explorer, but i can't figure out how to do it....:angryfire: Somebody help me....

Somehow i've been subscribed to this thread for years, but never posted my truck...for shame!!




Tagline lists the significant mods. Otherwise, much replaced: new engine, third transmission, third radiator, alternators, starters, battery wires, fuel pump, etc etc.. wear and tear replaced as needed and kept good. 247,025 miles and counting (today) after big road trip last weekend. Next week new shocks all around and new tie-rod bushings; will feel like a new car! Damn good vehicle, still solid.

Somehow i've been subscribed to this thread for years, but never posted my truck...for shame!!



Love it. That a short shifter? If so, do you like it?

Love it. That a short shifter? If so, do you like it?

Thanks! Yep, it's a Hurst short throw...absolutely love it. Changes the feel of driving completely...can't recommend it enough!

Thanks! Yep, it's a Hurst short throw...absolutely love it. Changes the feel of driving completely...can't recommend it enough!
Where'd you get it from? Can't seem to find one on summit racing

4'' lift with 33's

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