Power Door Lock Accuator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Door Lock Accuator


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
It seems the power door lock accuator in my door has given up after 12 long years.

The replacement seems pretty straight forward except that the part is riveted in. The instructions state they you need a heavy duty riveter to install the new accuator. Does anyone know what type of hand riveter I need and what size rivets I need to buy??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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i just replaced my actuator the other day, i just punched out the rivet and replaced it with a M6 thread 10mm bolt and nut/locker washer. works fine

you could also keep the existing rivet and actuator bracket in place, and snap the new actuator in... though its a *****

Thanks for the response that sounds like a good plan.

Mine recently sheared the rivet. I just used a 1/4 20 nut sert, drilled the plastic to fit the nut sert, installed nut sert, used stainless steel 1/4 20 phillips head machine screw. Now, if need to, I can just remove the bracket to service the actuator. EASY

Excellent, this is a very good option for me.

Thanks for the great advice.
