Power Liftgate squeaking -- lubricate? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Liftgate squeaking -- lubricate?


New Member
September 19, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 2012 XLT
My power liftgate (Explorer 2012 XLT) has started to squeak when opening and closing -- it seems like it needs to be lubricated I imagine.

Does anyone have directions or any idea on how to lubricate it -- or if there's another issue with the squeaking?

It basically sounds like it is rubbing / needs lubrication....

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My power liftgate (Explorer 2012 XLT) has started to squeak when opening and closing -- it seems like it needs to be lubricated I imagine.

Does anyone have directions or any idea on how to lubricate it -- or if there's another issue with the squeaking?

It basically sounds like it is rubbing / needs lubrication....

Try it, would not hurt. AAMF, always is good to.


My power liftgate (Explorer 2012 XLT) has started to squeak when opening and closing -- it seems like it needs to be lubricated I imagine.

Does anyone have directions or any idea on how to lubricate it -- or if there's another issue with the squeaking?

It basically sounds like it is rubbing / needs lubrication....
Where is the noise coming from? The hinges or the struts? I've never checked either to see if the can be lubricated. Do you have the power liftgate? You haven't added the 'trim' level to your profile so we don't know which Explorer you have.


Where is the noise coming from? The hinges or the struts? I've never checked either to see if the can be lubricated. Do you have the power liftgate? You haven't added the 'trim' level to your profile so we don't know which Explorer you have.


Thanks -- I have the 2012 Ford Explorer XLT 4wd with automatic liftgate (I hope that hits your trim question?). Also, the noise appears to be coming from the automatic/motorized struts. Please let me know any more questions to help.

Cheers :)

