Power Mirrors, Driver Seat, memory not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Mirrors, Driver Seat, memory not working


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2014
Reaction score
Prescott, AZ
City, State
Prescott, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Platinum
I have an intermittent problem with my 2014 Explorer limited. The power mirror adjustment for both mirrors, folding mirrors, power divers seat, seat-steering wheel pedal memory is not working. I have no power to the mirrors or the driver's seat. Its going into the dealer on Monday, less than 500 miles on it.:thumbdwn:


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I have an intermittent problem with my 2014 Explorer limited. The power mirror adjustment for both mirrors, folding mirrors, power divers seat, seat-steering wheel pedal memory is not working. I have no power to the mirrors or the driver's seat. Its going into the dealer on Monday, less than 500 miles on it.:thumbdwn:

Does your one touch power window work? It is controlled by the same fuse (#32) that controls the power mirrors. If the window works then it isn't the fuse
Fuse 23, in the under hood fuse panel controls the power driver's seat and memory module.


Power mirrors problem

Power windows are working fine, including 1 touch feature. The problem I described above seems to be intermittent. The easy out feature which recedes the drivers seat & steering wheel, also does not work when the mirrors do not function.


Power windows are working fine, including 1 touch feature. The problem I described above seems to be intermittent. The easy out feature which recedes the drivers seat & steering wheel, also does not work when the mirrors do not function.

Maybe try taking fuse 23 out and check to see if contacts are clean. Perhaps just reseating it might help. That fuse in the panel in the engine compartment and not under the dash so it should be easy to get at.


Took it back to the dealer today the problem went away yesterday. Dealer said "could not diagnose it unless the fault was there". Left a service ticket open and said if it reoccurs come right in with it.

Took it back to the dealer today the problem went away yesterday. Dealer said "could not diagnose it unless the fault was there". Left a service ticket open and said if it reoccurs come right in with it.
Funny how that happens. Sometimes the best way to cure a problem is to schedule an appointment to have it checked out. :D
Let's hope it doesn't come back. Almost sounds like a loose connection somewhere.


My neighbor had the same problem with his f150. There was a relay under his seat that came loose??? He unplugged it and plugged it back in and voila.

My neighbor had the same problem with his f150. There was a relay under his seat that came loose??? He unplugged it and plugged it back in and voila.
Welcome to the Forum bigryanh.:wavey:


I'll check that relay, could be the problem. Thanks guys. Other than that issue, real happy with the ride, fuel consumption similar to the 2006 I traded in on the 2014. Electronics package is awesome.


PS: how do I post the stats of my new ride on the profile page???:confused:

Took it back to the dealer today the problem went away yesterday. Dealer said "could not diagnose it unless the fault was there". Left a service ticket open and said if it reoccurs come right in with it.

Keep us in the loop, TBill. If it happens again and you'd like me to get involved, just send your info over to me in a PM. I'll need your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and servicing dealership.


I'll check that relay, could be the problem. Thanks guys. Other than that issue, real happy with the ride, fuel consumption similar to the 2006 I traded in on the 2014. Electronics package is awesome.


PS: how do I post the stats of my new ride on the profile page???:confused:
You can add them as part of your Signature or if you want them to come up when someone clicks on Vehicle Specs you go to Edit Options and scroll down to Thread Display Options. All are under User CP at the top of the page.


Power mirrors problem

Thanks Crystal,

I'll let you know if the problem comes back, so far so good.


Problem has not reoccurred

Well it's been a few weeks since I took delivery, the problem with power to the mirrors and driver’s seat has not reoccurred since I was in to see the dealer. Hopefully a minor bad connection at the molex connectors under the drivers seat.

Crossing my fingers:scratch:


Problem came back on Sunday May 1, driver seat, outside mirrors, no power. 1st symptom was the easy exit feature stopped working. Took it to the dealer today. Problem was diagnosed as a bad door control module. It's suppose to be replaced tomorrow when the dealer re'cs the part. I'll post the results.

Power to drivers seat & outside mirrors, have no power.

Bad door control module, it was replaced today, all working properly. Hope this is the end of this issue.

