Power Transfer Unit (PTU) Leak | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Transfer Unit (PTU) Leak


January 20, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ford Explorer XLT V6
So I took my 2013 Explorer XLT 3.5L V6 with 110k miles. Quoted me for $3,100 for replacing the water pump and Power Transfer Unit which includes 9.5 hours for replacing the water pump and 5.5 hours for the PTU. Just looking for your opinions on if You guys think that’s about right. I haven’t had any overheating issues and no problems with coolant leaks or dripping anywhere. As for my PTU, I do have a leak which is getting burned on my exhaust creating a very irritating odor but I don’t use the 4WD enough to know if internally the PTU is damaged.

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The 9.5 hours sounds right but I dont understand the 5.5 on the PTU. They have to disconnect the PTU from the engine when they remove it so why are they double dipping? If they have to remove it and reinstall it, it should really be the 9.5 hours for water pump plus the cost of the PTU.

Also, I am trying to think of costs.. PTU online is around $800 if I recall, $40 water pump plus fluids. So let's round up to $1,100 for wiggle room. 10 hours of labor should be around $1,200 so worst case you should be at $2,500 max for both.

Is You PTU Only Leak, Seal It And Change Oil

Water Pump..
If You Want Preventive Maintenance And Keep Rolling Without Thinking About At What Time Can It Fail.. Change it

The 9.5 hours sounds right but I dont understand the 5.5 on the PTU. They have to disconnect the PTU from the engine when they remove it so why are they double dipping? If they have to remove it and reinstall it, it should really be the 9.5 hours for water pump plus the cost of the PTU.

Also, I am trying to think of costs.. PTU online is around $800 if I recall, $40 water pump plus fluids. So let's round up to $1,100 for wiggle room. 10 hours of labor should be around $1,200 so worst case you should be at $2,500 max for both.
Yea well that’s just the quoted price so maybe it’ll be less in the end.

So I took my 2013 Explorer XLT 3.5L V6 with 110k miles. Quoted me for $3,100 for replacing the water pump and Power Transfer Unit which includes 9.5 hours for replacing the water pump and 5.5 hours for the PTU. Just looking for your opinions on if You guys think that’s about right. I haven’t had any overheating issues and no problems with coolant leaks or dripping anywhere. As for my PTU, I do have a leak which is getting burned on my exhaust creating a very irritating odor but I don’t use the 4WD enough to know if internally the PTU is damaged.

Dealer installed PTU on my 2013 limited at 60k mi. cost was $2200. This was 10k mi ago. now the rear output shaft seal is leaking. Dealer quoted $463 for replacing the seal. These PTU's hold less than 1qt. of fluid. It is surrounded by the transmission and catalytic converter. Heat kills the small amount of gear oil in these units. Ford says the fluid is a "lifetime" service. This may be true if you're an 80yr old male with heart condition. The gears in these are turning as long as the vehicle is moving. Does not work like traditional 4wd transfer case.
Change fluid every 10k mi. and it may survive a bit longer.

Dealer installed PTU on my 2013 limited at 60k mi. cost was $2200. This was 10k mi ago. now the rear output shaft seal is leaking. Dealer quoted $463 for replacing the seal. These PTU's hold less than 1qt. of fluid. It is surrounded by the transmission and catalytic converter. Heat kills the small amount of gear oil in these units. Ford says the fluid is a "lifetime" service. This may be true if you're an 80yr old male with heart condition. The gears in these are turning as long as the vehicle is moving. Does not work like traditional 4wd transfer case.
Change fluid every 10k mi. and it may survive a bit longer.
How long ago did they replace the PTU? The General Warranty coverage is 24 months, unlimited mileage. Engines, transmissions have an extra year.


How long ago did they replace the PTU? The General Warranty coverage is 24 months, unlimited mileage. Engines, transmissions have an extra year.

Just my good fortune to miss the warranty dates by a few months or miles. The first PTU died at 60,600mi. I was able to get some relief from Ford. They agreed to a 65/35 split on the $2200 cost to replace the PTU. Unit is now at 70k Mi but over the 2yr warranty on the replacement unit by a few months. No help with the $463 to replace the rear output shaft seal. Sometimes it just sucks to be me!

Hey all,

I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but about a month ago, had to take my 2014 sport in for a SECOND TIME with leaking PTU.
Had anyone ever heard of that?
First one was at 80k and now again at 110k. WTH!

Also, is there any coming back from a leaking PTU. Ford was supportive on the first one, not giving me any support this time. Simply saying I need to cough up $2400. Not the easiest thing in these times.

Also, sorry if there is a better thread for this, I just see that this one is currently active.


Would be interesting to hear from others - I have 77,000 miles on mine and so far the only problem I have had was with a bone dry PTU. And yes, $2400.00 is a bit steep especially since Ford is the only guilty party here with faulty design (IMO) of the driveline on this vehicle from the beginning.


Also, sorry if there is a better thread for this, I just see that this one is currently active.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Your post was moved to this thread.
I'm guessing this cost is to replace the PTU? Can they not just replace the seal if that is the issue? Many early model Explorers had leaks due to seal issues.


Hello everyone I’m not a member but I like to read a lot of posts because it helps me a lot, so that being said I have a 2012 explorer xlt with 73226 miles and the PTU is leaking and Ford says it would take 8hrs of labor and cost of labor is $1160.00 and part cost for the PTU is $2289.49, and also the FRT TIMING COVER IS LEAKING thats 12hrs of labor cost is $1740.00 and part costs $275.01, with tax on timing cover $19.25 and $160.26 on the PTU the total cost is $5644.02 WTFFFFFFFFFF in time like these what to do mannnnn!
Something isn’t smelling right, what do you guys think.


Hello everyone I’m not a member but I like to read a lot of posts because it helps me a lot, so that being said I have a 2012 explorer xlt with 73226 miles and the PTU is leaking and Ford says it would take 8hrs of labor and cost of labor is $1160.00 and part cost for the PTU is $2289.49, and also the FRT TIMING COVER IS LEAKING thats 12hrs of labor cost is $1740.00 and part costs $275.01, with tax on timing cover $19.25 and $160.26 on the PTU the total cost is $5644.02 WTFFFFFFFFFF in time like these what to do mannnnn!
Something isn’t smelling right, what do you guys think.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
You are a member here just by the act of signing up in order to post. It's just that you are not what is called an Elite Explorer member.
A leaking PTU does not necessarily mean that the unit has to be replaced. It could just be the seal that is gone.
Since you are no longer under warranty, have you tried to get prices from an independent dealer?
The PTU is also sometimes called a Transfer Case. Have look at the following;
Levittown is a forum vendor and offers our members a discount. Speak to Benny. Coupon Codes for Forum Members
I did not check up on the timing cover.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
You are a member here just by the act of signing up in order to post. It's just that you are not what is called an Elite Explorer member.
A leaking PTU does not necessarily mean that the unit has to be replaced. It could just be the seal that is gone.
Since you are no longer under warranty, have you tried to get prices from an independent dealer?
The PTU is also sometimes called a Transfer Case. Have look at the following;
Levittown is a forum vendor and offers our members a discount. Speak to Benny. Coupon Codes for Forum Members
I did not check up on the timing cover.

Thank you so much I will give them a call.

Well they quoted you 3 grand in labor charges alone. I don't see why they wouldn't just drop the subframe if they are doing PTU and Front Cover at same time. No way that would take 20 hours... They have a lift 😂

Like mentioned the PTU is probably fine if it drives smooth. Ford claims the unit is sealed non serviceable so of course they will only offer to replace it.

You could go to a small business shop and get that timing cover done for probably $500 in labor. If you do have that front cover done may as well replace the water pump and all the timing gear. Do it right the first time and never have to worry about it again.
