kicked off Ebay?! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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im thinking about buying 01 sport clear corners off the site..... i have been waiting for these forever.. i just might do it!

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I bought my clears (98) off the site, no problems at all received shipment in 3 days. I wouldn't trust them at all with tail lights or stuff like that...Guess you can't go wrong with clears.

Have you all compared prices on ProCP's mdse? I've checked their site and eBay listings, I'm not seeing the bargain. Or better yet, a big enough savings worth the risk of gettin shammed!!!

I mean if you can walk in their door and take your mdse with you, then their prices might be ok. But if you're like me and have to have the mdse shipped, ship chgs avg $15.00, I don't see that their prices are worth the risk.

For instance, I found some APC clears for $44 + tax brand new, with a free 30 day return policy here locally. PCP's clears start at $37.95 ($37 ebay). I'll pay $7 for no hassle any day.

**** i just won some clears on ebay, damnit i hope i get them!


I know that there has been many, many complaints about them. But They have always been good to me. Cheap butt prices and "I" have always gotten my stuff. But I don't recomend them.

i won clear corners from these guys. it took 2 weeks for them to get to me. i got them though...

now knowing how bad of an experience everyone else had...i am not going to buy from them again


i ordered my clears from them, and got them. they did yellow though. but if all this is true, damn, because they're the ones who will have the diamond/projection headlights for the 1st gen...:-( oh, and ive gotten a response from them within a day asking about the headlights, 4-5 weeks, hehe

am i the only one that has no problem with them. i ordered my gauges from them no problem. i just got my clear tail lights i orders two weeks ago. the only problem with that order was i didnt tell them my order number. then a few days later they told i was going to get them the 11th and i did. i know ppl say that they yellow and all but hey i didnt have any problems with them.


my friend had carbon fiber alteezas from them and the red lense part melted after 2 weeks. They sell junk parts and would not warranty his lights. He found another company that makes them. It is In Pro Car Wear and they make carbon fiber tailights for explorers. He has had his set of car wear carbon alteezas for about 9 months now and no problems.

I ordered a set of clear corners from them a few weeks ago from Ebay. Recieved them about a week after I paid them and put them on today. Look good. No probs yet, but have only been on for a day...
