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Proper Trail Use Education


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Proper Trail use Education

As enthusiasts we see advertisments from Tread Lightly and Blue Ribbon Coalition in the magazines we read. Articles and editorials concerning proper trail use are also available in the magazines we read, but what about the general public, are they aware of the importance of Treading Lightly on public land? I think we all know that the answer to that is no.

So what can be done to raise the awareness of the general public? What if we could get our local fourwheel supply shops to contribute to a fund, possibly managed by state four wheel drive associations. This fund would then be used to buy print ads in local newspapers.

The ads would be aimed at the "average Joe", people who have no idea that our access to public land is in danger. You know most of the people I have personally witnessed screwing around are young and driving stock 4x4s. They do not seem to be the type who would pick up a 4x4 magazine looking for ideas for modifications.

Local offroad shops have a lot to lose if we lose access to public land. I would hope they would respond favorably to a plan like this.

What do you think, and do you have any other suggestions which would help expand upon this idea?

Well I personally know kids who offroad at a local salt mine that is somewhat abaonded. I told them to go to Attica or trails somewhere, but they complain its too far. That seems to be the common excuse. Those people arent really doing damage since the land has been left in really crappy damage, but its the principal

Rick-- My family is fairly good friends with a few IL state senators and house reps.. Is there anything I could/should bring up to them when I go home at X-mas, that may at least be a start to help save wheelin lands? Or for that matter, get us IL guys some designated IL wheeling land?

Also, I've talked to Riff.. In bloomington they have a emergency help team (best wording i could think of) where he helps stranded motorists in big snow storms. We dont have that to my knowledge of the volenteering help in the chicago burbs. Think if a program was started in a heavily populated area that would be good for positive 4x4 awareness?

State Senators can help with trails in Ill, but not on a national level. You may ask them what it would take to designate some public lands for 4x4 use. I know there isn't much in the way of public land as in BLM land, but see what they have to say.
