protection for front leaf spring mounts? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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protection for front leaf spring mounts?


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I am wondering if anyone has come up with a way to protect the front of the leaf springs. I have caught them a couple of times out wheeling. Any skid plates or ?????


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Ahhh, wait. I didn't read through the entire thread, those are to protect the lower shock bolt and U-bolts, but hey, I tried!

The front leaf spring mounts are I think beefy enough -- plenty of people run em w/o any real problems. If you're worried about the leaf spring mounts, then look into getting a beefier driveshaft first because the smallest kink in the driveshaft will coil it like a spaghetti once torque (say in 4LO) is put through it. I was able to find a local shop that had almost 3/16" wall tube and thats what I ran when I did the SAS -- its been milled away on rocks w/o any issues.

I am going to adress this once i get my cage done.

Its not so much that the leaf hangers are weak, its just that they can get hung up. I am going to build some steel "ramps" for them to make them slide easier.
