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It's Always Something!
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Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
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94 & 95 XLT's
The Good, The Bad, & the Pugly :D

1994 Purple Explorer XLT 4wd

I decided to have a registry for my "Other" rig so I can post things done and have a reference for it.

Pretty much stock drive train.

4.0 OHV-A4ld-1354e.
D35 front 4:56 Yukon gears, Aussie Locker.
2nd gen disc 8.8 rear 4:56 gears, Spartan Locker.

Front C-Clip eliminator Mod.

Slight lift with 2" Skyjacker coils & rear F-150 hybrid leaf packs.

3" PA body lift
Helpful thread with pics for the front body mounts
Pics of front body lift mounts

Swapped to manual hubs.
Double U-joint XJ steering shaft.

33" x 12.5" x 15" Cooper Discoverer ATX3, mounted on 15"x10" AR Outlaw1 alum wheels - full size matching spare.

Front Rancho 9000xl
Rear Rancho 9000xl
Duff Stabilizer shock.

Sway bar quick disconnects front & rear.
Custom tube sliders w/kickouts

22" LED light bar.
18w amber fog Led pods.
55w rock lights--2 front--1 rear over diff.
8 LED pods for rocker lights.

Full brush guard.
2.5" Fender Flares.

TTB Diff guard & Skid plate.

Custom roof rack with 48" Extreme Hi-Lift jack.

Flipped Tow hitch & front hooks for tow points.

Cobra19 CB & rear hatch mounted firestick antenna.
Rear view HD camera.
JVC DVD/CD/MP3 Head unit with 7" HD Monitor.
Sony 6.5" front speakers.
Rockford Fosgate 5.25" component rear speakers.
8" JL Audio sub in 2001 enclosure with 500w amp mounted on enclosure.

Custom made center console with CB/Rear view color monitor/2-12v outlets/ in-out temp display. D cell Maglite mounted on cargo panel. Truck bed liner on cargo floor.
Custom Cargo storage box with topside spare tire mount.

'99 Eddie Bauer Front Leather buckets.
'94 Limited Rear leather split bench.










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but but but Pugly is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked driving it to SMORR!

it is a more than capable rig with great throttle response ask the other poster that was a passenger when i drove this rig at SMORR,

great rig,,

nice lookin x

Thanks guys! :)

This rig had a few normal issues with it when it found its way home, in MO.

Needed all new shocks, replaced with Monroe sensatracs.
Complete new brakes. Master cylinder, calipers, new rotors, drums cut, pads & shoes, & fluid flushed.
Replaced the T-stat. Flushed the coolant system. Replaced the heater bypass switch, upper & lower hoses, & heater hoses.
New battery.
Replaced dash trim, all door panels, and dr side cargo panel.
New belt tensioner pulley, & serpentine belt.
New plugs & wires.
Driver seat replaced with Eddie Bauer seat.
Replaced rear dr door.
Installed window vent visors.

Are you going to chronicle your Adventures fixing the door? After seeing it with the body lift I wish I would have done it before I sold mine. Maybe the fender wouldn't have gotten as banged up when the wheel came off :p:

Are you going to chronicle your Adventures fixing the door? After seeing it with the body lift I wish I would have done it before I sold mine. Maybe the fender wouldn't have gotten as banged up when the wheel came off :p:

After the rear quarter is patched and painted I might update it if it looks good...lol :afro:

I'm not sure if the BL would have helped yours or not. :dunno:

wow, how much this rig has changed, as well as mine,,,

Seems Pugly has developed a bit of a starting problem.

Turn the key, everything is normal, but the starter wouldn't engage. I tapped on the starter after it sat for awhile, and it turned over and the engine started. I figured it was a bad starter. No biggie, I have a couple of good starters laying around.

Installed a new 1000 CA battery, and a good starter. Didn't change a thing on whats wrong. Same exact deal happens.

So, what else could it be? A bad cable? A bad regulator? Why would it turn over when tapped, and with a new starter does the same thing?

Royally confused.

Maybe the tapping was a coincidence. It could always be the solenoid on the fender.

This might be what the problem was. I replaced the solenoid, and made a new ground cable. It works. Not only does it work, but it works better than it ever has. :D

Positive cable, and alternator is the only thing on the start/charge system that wasn't replaced, I'm sure those will be next :rolleyes:

Thanks Corkey. For over 200k miles on it, It has been a dependable vehicle with some capabilities off the pavement. Little here & there to keep it going is fine by me. It has paid for itself over & over now. :)

I have also found that the Not in Park Lock out switch or whatever its called, is very sensitive. Sometimes jiggling the gear shifter a little will get the truck to start. Has happened to me more than once.

That would be the Neutral safety switch. I tried the jiggling of the gear selector, and left/right of the steering wheel as well.

I have had that happen to me in the past on other vehicles, more of a nuisance than anything..lol

That pesky Gremlin is back! The no start issue has returned :(

This morning it did exactly as it did before. Turn the key, I hear the fuel pump, I hear the solenoid click, turn the key the rest of the way, and nothing, starter didn't engage. Have full power to everything. WTF?

So I got under the hood, checked the battery terminals, they were tight. Checked the fender solenoid terminals, they were tight. Wiggled every wire connected to the battery, and tried again, it fired right up. Had to start it a few times during the day, no problems. At the end of the work day, it hesitated but fired up. This engine starts very fast, always has, just takes a bump of the key to fire. If it needed to crank for a couple of seconds, something tells me it wouldnt have fired as the starter would have stopped.

I don't know if something that was replaced is going bad, or if it is something entirely different.

Pugly is feeling a bit under the weather today. Poor thing might have to be put to the pasture soon. Developed a coolant leak today, and I hear a rattle in the engine. Sounds like a bearing going bad on it. Originally thought it was possibly a water pump going out, but I'm not so sure now, as it sounds deeper in the engine. :(

Although, Pugly started right up every time today. :)

Had to replace the radiator, upper & lower hoses (just in case) today. A tank had cracked or something, where it is crimped to the core.

I fought & fought the clutch fan for over an hour. It just wouldn't co-operate and go back on. After every cuss word known to me spilled out of my mouth and after a broken shroud, bleeding knuckles, it went back on. Gawd I hate that damn clutch fan with a passion!

The DD is back on the road again at least. The "nickle & dime me to death" has begun, and I really don't know how much longer I will keep relying on this vehicle.

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Found a broken DPFE hose. Replaced with 5/16 fuel line. Made a big dif in itself.

Finally got the correct VSS gear from the dealer. A white RH gear did the trick. Speedo matches the GPS perfectly at all speeds. The trans shift points are back to normal again...Woot!

Pugly is good to go until the next batch of problems arise.
