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I like Pugly :-)

Pugly looks like my first Explorer, my boys called it Barney.

Trans looks clean, nothing burnt looking. How did the fluid smell when you pulled the pan? Burnt? How much for a good kit to do up right? Im just thinking, you got it out and torn down, why not? You know, penny wise and dollar foolish.


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Thanks Bob. Fluids were fine. There wasn't but a couple miles put on the rig after the problem started. I believe the band started to go out with a couple of cracks on the clip. The band clip broke all the way in the driveway from me tightening it, not on the road and allowing parts to fly and get chewed up. The engine has not been started since this broke.

I ended up ordering this master kit for the rebuild. It has everything I needed, plus more. Individually the parts I wanted to install, added up to more than this kit cost. So, looks like the trans is getting a bunch of new stuff anyways. Work will commence on the trans as soon as their delivered.


I will show comparison pics of new to old, just to show ya'll how well this 17 yr old/215K mile transmission has held up. :)

Trans super rebuild kit finally showed up. Rebuild starts today, and hopefully the trans will be installed by the end of the weekend. This is if there is no show stoppers along the rebuild.

I did find an extra vac modulator push pin in the trans, (stuck in a channel between the valve body and trans) but that was all that was wrong besides the busted belt. I suspect from finding that pin, either the trans was overhauled once(given the fact all the clutches still look new) or when the vac mod was replaced, they lost the stock pin.

Id say with that many miles, its been into before. Most likley

I am going to have to agree Brad. Lots of internals were way to clean and pristine to have over 200k on them.

Whew! What a day! I'm wiped out and the real fun is in the morning! :eek:

Had the trans stacked and put back together by noon. Rains came in and gave me a little break. Temps cooled off a bit, was nicer, but pretty muggy out there.

After the rains stopped, I went back at it and flushed the trans cooler and lines with Kooler Kleen. Had the wrong size fitting on it for Ford, but after I found a brass fitting to use as an adapter it worked like a charm. System is clean as it will ever be now.

Then I got to learn how to use a rear main seal installer. Amazing tool (expensive too!) :)
Adapter plate bolts to the crank, New seal fits over it, a plastic protector over the seal, then a seal driver pushes the seal into the block by means of a center bolt into the crankshaft end. Perfect fit, and I used the newer style Fel-Pro BS40647 ptfe dry install seal.


Changed out the old PCV with a new one. Don't wanna blow out that new seal now ;)

Had to stop here as I need an extra hand (wrench on crank) to torque the flexplate down to 60 ft lbs. In the morning the fun starts back up after a hardy breakfast.

I also need to replace the input shaft seal and the rear output seal on the E1354, nobody here carries them in stock, so time to order from Rockauto and take care of that next weekend.

Looking like Pugly is going to be down for another week. These damn trucks are going to kill me some day! :(

Well glad to hear you've made some good progress on the transmission.....sucks about the t-case though....

Well glad to hear you've made some good progress on the transmission.....sucks about the t-case though....

Thank you sir. :)

For anyone that gives a flying f***...

Was another hard day on the old body. Called it quits about 20 mins ago, thanks to a downpour. Was short lived, but enough to make me call it a day. 101* and some high humidity here, yuck-olas!

Anywho...Progress was not going so well this morning as I overslept, (felt like death warmed over), and until 88comingup showed up to help stab the trans, I was about to call it a day. Thank gawd for Steve lending a hand. Thanks a bunch Bro! :thumbsup:

All thats left is to install the starter, and fill it with fluids. I decided to go ahead and run the t-case as is until another weekend to replace those seals. Looks like a little time in the am before I head to work to wrap it all up. Almost knocked out a rebuild and install in a weekend. :D

Kicked arse mate:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Installed the starter, got it perfectly filled with fluids, and..........


I have to adjust the modulator a tad bit, to dial it all in, but no leaks, no drips, no errors. :D


this morning as I overslept, (felt like death warmed over), and until 88comingup showed up to help stab the trans, I was about to call it a day. Thank gawd for Steve lending a hand. Thanks a bunch Bro!


Front Monroe shocks are worn already :(

I got a free shipping e-mail from JC Whitney this morning and started looking around at what they had to offer in the shock dept. They offer most major name brands available. I am thinking hard about getting the coil over load helpers from Gabriel for Pugly. Being a work horse and getting loaded on a daily basis with tools and materials, these should help a bunch stiffen it up. They will lift the rig about 1" as well.



I have never used a shock like this before, and really don't know a lot about them other than what reviews I have read. For the price, if they do what they claim, they will be worth it, if not, I am not out a whole lot of cash.

The upper shock mounts are not designed to bear weight load."

Well crud!

Thanks for the input Jon. That would mean a lot of gusseting and support added. :(

Not worth all that for those than. This is a reason I ask before I buy stuff I'm not familiar with. Gotta love this forum! :D

I don't know about this rig sometimes.:rolleyes:

This morning I went to adjust the seat back, and when I lifted the handle, it came off in my hand, and the seat went back. :mad:

After work I stopped off at the store, and the drivers window wouldn't go up. :mad:

I had to take the door apart to get to the motor connector and use jumper cables to get the window up. How fricking embarrassing is that?

Off to the JY in the morning for a new seat. Sheesh....I'm running out of nickels & dimes for this thing....

She's getting jealous of The Black Hole mate. You know what women are like!

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