pulsating brake pedal! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pulsating brake pedal!


December 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
southington, ct
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I just changd both fron wheel bearings and afterwards I started to get a slight pulse when I applied brake pressure. So, I went and replaced both front rotors nad brake pads. The pedal is still pulsating and I don't want to ruin the new rotors and pads. I also replace both front tires with used ones. I didn't have the $ for brand new tires.
Any suggestions on what else it could be.
PS I tourquerd the bearings so i'm pretty sure they are not loose.

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Sounds like your ABS is kicking in.

Abs kicking in

So, to diagnose this can i unplug the abs lead on one side at a time to see if that makes a difference?
If it does, is ther anyhing i can do with it?

Look into your manual and find the fuse for the ABS and pull it. You won't have anti lock breaks though.

You could have gotten air in the lines. There is a way to bleed the abs system but I took mine in and had the shop do it with a machine. The harder I pressed the brakes the harder it pushed the pedal back at me.

Check your brake lines. The same thing happened to me. When I did my brakes I accidentally put a kink in one of my lines. It took me a while to figure out the problem.

Check your brake lines. The same thing happened to me. When I did my brakes I accidentally put a kink in one of my lines. It took me a while to figure out the problem.

So how did you FIX the problem? New brake line?

Had the pulsating brakes, changed roters, pads, bearings. gave up. took it to ford and had to have the hubs changed at 45.000 miles. supposed to be a common problem. Cost $700.00 with 4wd controller almost a grand. I almost passed out

you were wondering about bleeding brake lines, well have a friend or someone get in the car and pump the brake pedal about 5 times or until it is stiff and on the last pump keep the pedal depressesd. at this point, you open up the bleeder valve until fluid squirts out. Do this on both passenger side and driver side of the front and or rear. Reapeat the procedure 2 or 3 times to make sure all the air is out. I do this with engine off. I just bled my breaks the other day cause i had to replace a line

just a thought but go and check to make sure you tightened down the axle nut all the way. i did my ball joints a while back. i was very meticulous about doing everything right when it came to putting the abs back on correct that i overlooked tightening the axle nut all the way.i had the same prob. my pedal vibrated. took the same steps and replaced pads. resurfaced rotors. nothing helped. then i noticed the nut. problem solved. easy cheap fix. another stupid mistake for but oh well its fixed. good luck

So how did you FIX the problem? New brake line?

Yes. Just to be safe I changed both front lines and had a shop flush the brake system. Problem fixed. Flush cost $140.00.
