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Quick Horsepower Question?


New Member
April 16, 2003
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City, State
Summerhill PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 4.0 SOHC
Does anyone know the Stock HP on a 97 4.0 SOHC ?

Also for the people using Mobil-1 are you using 5W-30 or 0W-30 ? and what oil change intervals is everybody using with the synthetic oils? Thanks

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Also for the people using Mobil-1 are you using 5W-30 or 0W-30 ? and what oil change intervals is everybody using with the synthetic oils? Thanks

I was told by the shop manager at a Jiffy Lube shop, that 5w-30 is best on the explorers. I didn't have time to ask why. But thats what I've been using. I was also told that oil changes are not needed as frequently with Mobil-1. I still do it every 3000.

I'd like some advise on this too.....

Ford recommends 5W-30.

You can go longer intervals with Syn Oil. The best way to determine the proper interval is by having a Used Oil Analysis done. You would take a sample at certain mileage intervals, and have the oil analyzed. Then you can determine when the oil is no longer protecting the engine adequately.

Im too lazy to do this, so I just use a longer but still conservative interval of about 6k miles. This way I change twice a year. 3k miles is very conservative for even dino oil.

People who run UOA usually end up with much longer intervals like 15k miles with filter changes every 5k or so. People who run external bypass filters may run for 30k before changing syn oil.
