Radius Arm Bushings and stuff | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Radius Arm Bushings and stuff


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
Well, after having my transmission completely rebuilt - discovered that the bracket that is bolted to the frame (where the Radius arm bushings are) is moving around. Radius arm bushings are cracked and look like hell.

Any ideas of the repair of this? What sort of replacement bushings. Does the bracket need to be welded or replaced or what?


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Stock Radius Arm brackets are actually cheap. They are bolted AND Riveted on from the factory. Many people (me included) do RA bushings by removing the rivets and pulling the brackets.

Since your going to replace the brackets you'll just bolt the new brackets on.

Here is a thread on changing the RA bushings by pulling the brackets which your going to do anyway since you need new ones.




Stock Radius Arm brackets are actually cheap. They are bolted AND Riveted on from the factory. Many people (me included) do RA bushings by removing the rivets and pulling the brackets.

Since your going to replace the brackets you'll just bolt the new brackets on.

Here is a thread on changing the RA bushings by pulling the brackets which your going to do anyway since you need new ones.




The picture in that thread

Shows rivets. My has bolts and the holes look like they are quite elongated. So I would have to replace that entire bracket that runs from one side of the truck to the other? If so, where and what should I get?


i'd just drill out the holes in you're brackets and frame to a larger size, and put bigger bolts through (say half inch) that would be the cheapest fix since all you would have to buy is bolts, and it would be an upgrade since half inch bolts are stronger than puny rivets or the 3/8" bolts or whatever it has stock.

oh, and might as well swap in a new pair of bushings while you're at it since you'll have it apart anyway.

you'll have a ***** of a time on the upper/inner most one on each side tho... The splash guard/plastic fender inside piece gets in the way... I wound up cutin it w/ a razor knife to get access to the rivet.

The Axle pivot bushings might be worth doing. They last a long time, but yours are probably still the factory ones.

For Radius Arm Bushings. For longevity, Poly bushings are the way to go. If you want a softer ride at the cost of longevity get Rubber (Moog Problem solver) Radius Arm bushings.

The 2 sets of bushings you posted from Summit are the same. Only the color is different.

This is the rubber set from Moog, from the same source.

If you don't have it on there, make sure you do get aMoog K8729 which is the heat shield for the passenger side bushings.


you'll have a ***** of a time on the upper/inner most one on each side tho... The splash guard/plastic fender inside piece gets in the way... I wound up cutin it w/ a razor knife to get access to the rivet.

I used a dremel cutting wheel then an air chisel ....didnt have to remove or cut anything
