Random dash light Issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Random dash light Issues


New Member
September 8, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Okay so maybe it's somewhere and I'm missing it, but I'm not finding it and I'm giving up trying to track down the issue without help. I have intermittent lights going out in my 97 XLT. The cruise sensor light as well as the radio lights (and maybe others but these are the ones that really bug me) work fine during the day. As soon as I turn the headlights on though, nothing. The radio display, that shows the station and clock works, but the lights for volume, stations, even the numbers for pre-programmed stations are completely black. Same with the dash sensors. Any ideas?

maybe I'm naïeve but what is the "cruise sensor light?"

The issue with the radio could be the illumination wire or the radio itself. Try testing the blue/red wire to see if it is hot when the dash lights are on.

I'll check that tomorrow. By the cruise sensor light I mean the dash indicator that's in green and says cruise speed or something like that, but basically that tells you its on and active.

He's talking about the "SPEED CONT" light.
