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Ranger rear bumper in progress

A lot of guys on here make them out of rectangular tubing with round kickout tubes. With the rectangular tubing you have more underside protection because of the width of the tubing wheras the round tubing is the same all the way around. Only reason i'm going with the round stuff is that it will be easier to mount my up tubing thats going to protect my supercab. It's all a preference thing mostly.

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Hey Kid dont make your sliders out of tubing. Mine were made from tubing and they got bent to **** when i went to Moab.

JTX said:
Hey Kid dont make your sliders out of tubing. Mine were made from tubing and they got bent to **** when i went to Moab.
conduit isn't strong enough to be used to make sliders :mattmoon:

Xplorerkid may be young but he's on the ball. He was refering to the tubular steel used for roll cages not conduit His brother welds and fabs up stuff all the time see mini chopper link

Looks good Dave! ;) I think I'll will do something similer to my Ex soon. probally 2x6 for though :rolleyes: Stupid BL!

Numidian said:
conduit isn't strong enough to be used to make sliders :mattmoon:

LMAO! I didnt mean conduit.

Thanx Stic-o...your sliders should look cool when you get them built, plenty of protection with that 2x6 tubing.

As long as you have a decent wall thickness and its braced well, round tubing is as strong as anything else.

DB_1 said:
Thanx Stic-o...your sliders should look cool when you get them built, plenty of protection with that 2x6 tubing.

As long as you have a decent wall thickness and its braced well, round tubing is as strong as anything else.

Actally I ment 2x6 for the bumpers. I'm work'n on the details still. The problem is with 3" BL and the bumper will start at the frame up. probally 2x4 for sliders.
