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Ranger sliders

DB_1 said:
. . .I also painted the bottom 1/3rd of the body with flat black just to clean up some of the rock rash I had. . .
And here I figured you just forgot to paint them before welding them on, and then got lazy masking it off :p

Seriously though, the paint looks nice :thumbsup:

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Looks sweet, I might have to "Borrow" that idea for the quarter panel guard bars
Good looking work :thumbsup:

Thanks guys...as you probably noticed, I need to carry the flat black paint job back to the rear. While i'm out there, I'll give it the ol' Hi-lift test and see
how it does.

Clean & simple, I like them

DB_1 said:
Thanks guys...as you probably noticed, I need to carry the flat black paint job back to the rear. While i'm out there, I'll give it the ol' Hi-lift test and see
how it does.

It looks really good Dave :thumbsup: I actually Painted the bottom of mine to a few weeks ago. Not up as far, but I had to hide my holes from the tuperware. Oh, I used hurculiner though.

Dave i remembered your sliders when i was out at TH with yall that time Tom rolled have you had troubles with the sliders flexing or bending into the body when used?????

They do get into the body but it doesn't bother me really. Eventually i'm going to make new ones since they are starting to get bent up...well one of them is...but for now they are doing the job.

yea i was thinking of following the same design and with out the extended cab due to mine being a 4 door unless i make it to wear i can move it but anyway i was thinking of putting gussets on it at the frame to prevent it from bending up into the body
