Really f'd up today... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Really f'd up today...


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Greenville, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Eddie Bauer
Just wanna hear yalls thoughts on what my dumb ass destroyed today...
I was splashing in around in some puddles when the engine shut off, me being in a hurry and forgetting basic knowledge tried to start it, wouldnt start. Popped the hood the - battery cable was loose and smoking a little when the ignition was being turned. Shrugged off the hydro-locked idea and tried to crank it again, it started but began chattering...
Push rod?

I just wanna get this thing fixed and get rid of her... any ideas on what it could be?

Thanks fellas

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Bent/Broken connecting rod is usually the result of hydro-lock

any metal in the oil? sounds like a valve or rod tho.....upgrade time!

Havent checked it, its been at the dealership and yeah it is time for upgrade... A 2006 5.9L cummins

im hoping you mean dropping the engine in the ex. that would be kick ass

Ummm NO

Get that new cummins. :thumbsup: lol. I'd just try to find a decent priced used engine (4.0L) swap it in and sell.

I know how you feel about wanting to get rid of that explorer. Most third gens seem to be junk.

There was a thread a while back a guy wrote about his hydra locked X and it turned out that the connecting rod was bent. Thats probably it.

I like the x and all but its just not capable enough for anything other than street and LIGHT offroad. Plan is to get the new truck, keep the x until i get home, fix and sell and then get a bad ass xj for CHEAAAAAP. Only reason im doing it this way is bc im so close to being out of the army i dont have the time to spend workin on it. And ford wanted 5-6000 to swap motors HAHAHA!! Still hoping it an easy fix but expectthe worst and hope for the best!

If I were you, I would buy a cheap sedan for now. After you get out of the mil, you can buy a cheap vehicle and dedicate that to off roading. With this approach, it doesnt matter if you break or roll your off road vehicle, you'll always have a ride to get around in. Plus the money you save having a sedan (gas wise and just regular maintenance) pretty much pays for the off road vehicle in the long run.

oh yeah the XJ is gonna be bought back home when im there for good. lol

Sorry I edited my first post - I dont know what I was typing and made a mistake.

I like the x and all but its just not capable enough for anything other than street and LIGHT offroad. Plan is to get the new truck, keep the x until i get home, fix and sell and then get a bad ass xj for CHEAAAAAP. Only reason im doing it this way is bc im so close to being out of the army i dont have the time to spend workin on it. And ford wanted 5-6000 to swap motors HAHAHA!! Still hoping it an easy fix but expectthe worst and hope for the best!

I can get you a 13,000 mile 4.0 for $600.00. Shipping is a problem tho... There's on way to go for a cheap fix.

Havent checked it, its been at the dealership and yeah it is time for upgrade... A 2006 5.9L cummins

excatly what im saving for. Sell my exploder for a 06 mega cab 2500 with the cummins :D. only able to save $175 a week so i hope to have one in about a year and a half lol
