rear glass unlocks but hatch doesn't | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear glass unlocks but hatch doesn't


Active Member
April 16, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 sport
hey guys,

got a problem with the rear hatch on my 98 sport.

I will just list what i have found in point for...probably easier

1) the whole glass/hatch assembly will not lock. It seems like it's locked but if you push the glass open button hard enough it will open

2) the hatch will not open. The hatch will only open if you open the glass, insert the key, and try to lock and unlock the whole thing. Eventually there will be a CLUNK and the hatch will unlock and can be opened

3) The hatch will remain unlocked and openable until someone presses the lock button in the trunk

should I pop the hatch panel cover thing off and soak the crap out of the lock mechanism? From the clunk I would assume there is something broken.

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should I maybe take a quick video of what it's doing?

I just noticed something while lubricating latches...If I pull the tailgate open handle while I have the key turned, it will open, but that is the only way.

Remove the plastic hatch cover, vapor barrier and vent and lubricate all the mechanism. I used crc-556 on mine and all worked fine.


I have the exact same problem. Does the button stick in when you push it? I disassembled the rear hatch yesterday and noticed that the plastic housing that the button is in is cracked where it attaches to the inside of the back panel. this is causing it to bind when it is locked and not allowing it to unlock all the way. I'm heading to the junk yard tomorrow to find a replacement. If you look at the end near the 2 bolts I bet yours is cracked too.

I've been so busy I haven't had time to look. But no, there is nothing wrong with the button. It's the lock mechanism.

Basically what happens is that if I open the glass and wiggle the key in the lock eventually there would be a clunk and the door/hatch will unlock and open. When I hit the lock button the lock locks but makes like a double clunk sound.

Well if the glass doesn't lock and the gate won't open with out holding down the unlock button and raining the gate while holding it, it sounds like the problem has something to do with the glass release button and how it locks. When the lock doesn't disengage/unlock all the way for whatever reason the rear hatch/liftgate handle will not engage to open the gate. There are several rods that control the locking of the gate and glass once you open it up you will see how it moves when you lock and unlock it I'd still check to see if the assembly where the glass release button is isn't cracked or loose, but the problem is going to be right there.

Have you had any luck with your problem?

i havn't had the oppertunity to even look at it. As soon as I find out I will post the solution.

Remove the plastic hatch cover, vapor barrier and vent and lubricate all the mechanism. I used crc-556 on mine and all worked fine.


Is the interior plastic hatch cover just in there with clips? Where the trim goes up around the glass I can see and remove the push-in type holders, but where it's down by the handle and hatch I don't see anything. Is it a matter of prying until you pop clips you can't see?

Sounds like an actuator problem to me. I had a similar prob with my 01 sport, extra clunking sounds, hatch would only open after like 10 tries, super annoying. Especially when from time to time I have to let my gf use my x to lug around her 200 lb harp(eek,wince,shudder)and she goes on to express her feelings about her experience. Oddly enouph the drivers side lock was acting up too, so I replaced all 3 actuators. Got them for about $100 and my stereo guy put them in for $100. Works great and no more "feelings" on the subject. Hey,
we may not win the war, but it's nice to win a small battle here and there. :)

Is the interior plastic hatch cover just in there with clips? Where the trim goes up around the glass I can see and remove the push-in type holders, but where it's down by the handle and hatch I don't see anything. Is it a matter of prying until you pop clips you can't see?

The top is push-in clips 3 or 4 on each side. 1 screw where the glass latch is under a push-in cover. 2 screws on pull handle. The bottom part of the cover is a series of l shaped hooks that slide down into matching slots. Pull the top clips and remove the 3 screws, then slide the cover up toward the hinges. Be careful as it will come off very easy and is unwieldy.

