Rear Hub, bearing and strut questions. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Hub, bearing and strut questions.


Active Member
November 22, 2009
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Villas, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I figured I would start a thread of my own so that I did not hijack other threads. I just got in a set of rear Monroe quick strut, rear hubs and bearings. I work at a for dealership and asked one of the mechanics how hard it would be to do the work and he told me the struts are easy but it would take like 5 hours and then went into this whole this on how I should have just purchased a kit together with the spindle, hub and bearings together. So now I am clueless of what to do next or where or who to have them done. I have read all the posts on here but I am not very car friendly and don't have a clue about what parts are what. Any suggestions or anyone know of someone in South Jersey that I can trust? lol

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The rear hub on the x has a pressed in hub and bearing which means that they are not bolt on like the front bearing. All you have to do is take the spindle off with the hub still attached and go to and service shop with the new hub and they will press out the old hub and press in the new one. They should only charge for about an hours labor which is a lot cheaper then purchasing a complete spindle/hub assembly (which i have never seen sold as one unit)

what about pizza bearings? Do I take the removed pieces stated above to a machine shop, have pizzam press everything pizzan just put pizzam back on?

so is the a company that makes all three components? or will mix and match work? im due to replace mine here in the next 6 months and am not a fan of using old components... id rather pay the extra bucks and get a new hub, bearing, and spindle all at the same time.

Sorry to hijack.

IF i were you, id do like i sugjested and spend the bills and replace the bearings and spindles as well. and there is a guide on this site for you to put the new assemblys on yourself, so assuming your willing to go ahead and try to tackle the task yourself you could end up SAVING some money on this job.

the spindle is the part the knucke is pressed onto.

Got the parts, just have to find someone to put them on, lol



Where did you order your parts from?

if you are having difficulty identifying what the spindle/knuckle assembly is, its probably beyond your scope to do yourself.

I literally just did both my front hub/bearing assemblies , in my driveway, one side @ a time in 1 hour 15 minutes. The fronts are super easy.

The rears should come apart even easier than the fronts, just separate the upper & lower mounts for the Spindle/knuckle assembly, Remove & hang the caliper on a coat hanger, then undo the axle nut, pop the whole assembly out as a unit. Take the sipindle/knuckle assembly with your new hub to any Napa, local machine shop, or Midas/Mieneke muffler. They will have the press. $50-75 for an hour's labor (takes them maybe 20 minutes for a pair. Done... reassemble...

Now back to the technician who told you FIVE HOURS to do (4) quick struts in a 3rd Gen Expy/Monty???!!!???!!??! Someone is MILKING the hour manual... Quick struts are literally remove the wheel, undo 1 top nut & 1 bottom bolt, separate either the top or buttom of the knuckle from the control arm... slide it out... slide in a new quick strut. Tighten & reinstall a cotter pin... 15-20 a corner MAX....

I nearly shot soda out of my nose when I read he told you 5 (FIVE) hours... ridiculous.


Well I have been reading many posts and figuring out what parts are and what they are called. I now understand what I am reading, I learn very quick and I am pretty handy so a buddy of mine that knows cars well and helped me replace the intake manifold on my old crown vic is going to help me this weekend. We will see how it goes, lol

all this stuff I bought is just for the rear and yes they came with the bolts on them.

all this stuff I bought is just for the rear and yes they came with the bolts on them.

Ok, I saw 4 struts and 4 hubs and thought you had bought a set for all 4. So the ones in the photos are for the rear and the hub has the wheel studs in it.


Yes, it just took two different pictures for the fun of it lol.

Why is t h e word t h e showing up as pizza in everything? That's annoying.

Well it is annoying when I am going to be depending on this site to fix my t r u c k tomorrow.

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