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Rear shocks total rookie question


New Member
January 10, 2025
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Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer
I ordered new shocks for my 94 explorer from rockauto. For the rear ones, the website (or maybe just the ad for these shocks) suggested it was safer/easier to get the shock/coil assembly, which I did. But watching videos for installation, and looking at my vehicle, there aren't coils there like the ones I ordered from rockauto. Could anybody explain the rear shock w/coil and shock w/o coil thing to me? Thanks for any help.

This is what I purchased: More Information for FCS SC00011

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So the factory leaf springs wear out
The factory shocks are just shocks, no coil

They sell new rear shocks with helper coil springs, the helper coils are just that, they are there to help carry a load since your factory springs are worn out

You will simply install them just like the factory shocks

Sorry to tell ya but RockAuto led you wrong. I recently replaced the shocks on my '94 using parts from them, and saw their suggestion, but it must just be a generic suggestion because our vehicles have leaf springs in the rear, not coil springs. Some (maybe many?) vehicles with coil springs have the shock placed in the center of the spring, and it probably makes sense for those. But it doesn't apply to ours, even with the coil springs in front, the shocks are mounted outside of them. So, short answer, coil springs are inapplicable in the rear, and there's no safety/ease benefit replacing them together in the front. So shame on RockAuto for having that suggestion pop up.


So the factory leaf springs wear out
The factory shocks are just shocks, no coil

They sell new rear shocks with helper coil springs, the helper coils are just that, they are there to help carry a load since your factory springs are worn out

You will simply install them just like the factory shocks
Oops, stet my reply. I hadn't looked at their pictures, and just assumed they were trying to sell a separate coil spring with the shock as a package. In any case, I ignored their suggestion and just got normal shocks, and am completely happy with them.


So the factory leaf springs wear out
The factory shocks are just shocks, no coil

They sell new rear shocks with helper coil springs, the helper coils are just that, they are there to help carry a load since your factory springs are worn out

You will simply install them just like the factory shocks
Thank you. On point and informative.

Although this does raise the question of whether old vehicles should get shocks w/coils for the front too, but that doesn't seem to be something they sell so I guess not.

The front end does not carry cargo or trailers
The front end is torsion spring and the torsion bars are adjustable so you can get some “spring back” also on the front shocks in these trucks there is not much room for a helper coil

I don't suppose you have a tip to hold the springs compressed an inch or two to install the new ones?

Lift the truck more by the frame and let the axle hang?
Could use ratchet straps to temporarily compress the coils

I used the floor jack to squeeze them into a place where I could finagle the bolts in.

Not that it matters, but anyone know whether these shocks are orignal or not?




The front end does not carry cargo or trailers
The front end is torsion spring and the torsion bars are adjustable so you can get some “spring back” also on the front shocks in these trucks there is not much room for a helper coil
94 I think was twin I beam still

My bad! Yep ttb… I guess you could put some helper shocks on the front of a ttb truck… but you can also just add boosters/ spacers to your current spring or just replace it with a new coil

Front shocks done. They look like the rear shocks and had a single-piece bushing at the top, so I guess they are likely factory as well. Looking forward to a test drive, but need to get a couple lugs first as two seemed to have been misthreaded in the past (fortunately no harm to the studs).

Kudos to whoever designed it so you could reach an extended socked down through the engine bay without any trouble.

Update to add: rides smooth.

I installed a pair of coil over shocks on the back of my 2002 Explorer and was shocked at how much better the vehicle drove and handled. Obviously the rear is under sprung but this el-cheapo band aid made the truck feel great. Who knows how long they'll last before they give up the ghost but for something like $100.00 off Amazon, who cares if they need to be replaced every 3-4 years.
